
The project is the result of a competition for the revision of the new Diego Portales University Huechuraba Campus masterplan, and the definition of a project for its first phase, the School of Economics and Business of the University.


The site is located at the foot of San Cristobal hill, sloping and slightly raised above the Huechuraba valley. With the location of the new campus, the School seeks to build a strong link between its academic development and the professional reality, as it is at one of the most important business centers in the city.


For the architecture, this presented the challenge of asserting a university identity in an environment governed by very different rules. Amid buildings that are mostly for office rental, glass boxes lacking a clear identity and designed with a short term logic, we wanted to build a contrast, a structure with weight that speaks of permanence and stability, to accompany the university in its long-range commitment and transcendence. The density of the volumes, the concrete that lasts and ages, walls to be covered with vines showing the passing of the seasons, a park that matures in years and stone squares, combine to consolidate over time.


In addition, the project seeks to build a connection beyond its neighbors, with its geographic environment. It takes advantage of the slope to render the courtyards dominant over the territory, and builds terraces at different heights, as well as a roof garden, that connects the everyday life of the project with the distant geography, San Cristobal hill, and Huechuraba valley. They are places that link leisure time with the surrounding landscape.
The proposed masterplan combines four elements for the construction of the project defining a cut in the direction of the slope. The project of the school, as a first stage and a section of the total, includes these four elements, advancing their definition:


1. A base from a linear succession of horizontal planes that build the courtyards with intensive use, as balconies over the Huechuraba landscape, which house the public programs of the university. In the first stage the base is defined on three squares at different levels, the access square that connects the two buildings of the school, the undergraduate square that connects to future phases, and the graduate square that is directly related to the park. Under these squares, the base houses a cafeteria, the school library and the main auditorium of the university.

2. 一个大型的8层连续酒吧,采用中性建筑风格,作为山丘的背景,容纳了需要更多模块灵活性的普通教室系统。对于经济学院来说,该建筑容纳了本科生教室,这些教室从外部走廊俯瞰项目的庭院,并与一系列高架梯田相连接,这些梯田以不止一个高度穿过建筑,在较高的楼层充当空间救济。

2. A large 8-level continuous bar, with neutral architecture, acts as a backdrop against the hill and houses the system of regular classrooms, which require more modular flexibility. For the School of Economics, this building houses undergraduate classrooms which are organized from an exterior corridor overlooking the courtyards of the project, and linked to a series of raised terraces that cross the building with more than one height, serving as spatial relief at the higher levels.

3. 3. 在基地和酒吧的前面,总体规划提出了一系列独特的建筑,与酒吧的中立性对话,建立一个风景优美的数字-地面关系。这些独特的建筑给人以某种节奏感,并从院子里框住了景观。它们也包含了每个单位最具标志性的项目,它们的多样性给校园的每个部分带来了认同感。在这个早期阶段,它容纳了研究生教室和学术办公室。该建筑的发展基于一个螺旋形的配置,它将半层的倾斜的研究生教室和其上层的办公室连接起来,这些办公室围绕着一个中央采光空隙组织其循环。它的底部被释放,留下一个大空间,连接和衔接建筑的顶部程序,硬庭院,公园和领土。

3. On the base, and in front of the bar, the masterplan proposes a series of unique buildings that dialogue with the neutrality of the bar, establishing a scenic figure-ground relationship. These unique buildings give a certain rhythm and frame the landscape from the courtyards. They also contain the most iconic programs of each unit, and their diversity gives identity to each part of the campus. At this early stage it houses graduate classrooms and academic offices. The building develops based on a spiral configuration, which links the inclined graduate rooms at half levels, and offices on its upper floors, which organize their circulation around a central light void. Its base is released, leaving a large space that connects and articulates the top program of the building, the hard courtyards, the park, and the territory.

4. 最后,一个公园被定义在场地的下部区域,与基地交织在一起。它与现有的城市区域建立了一个安全距离,并提供了一个广泛的运动项目。

4. Finally, a park is defined on the lower area of the site that is intertwined with the base. It builds a safe distance with the existing urban area, and offers an extensive sports program.


The project is part of a strong desire of the university to build environmentally sustainable infrastructure. The project is designed, from the architecture , landscape, and facilities, in terms of savings in energy and water, minimizing its impact on the environment, and high standards of comfort for its occupants. The building seeks to reduce solar impact on the envelope: the exterior graduate walls are constructed with highly controlled openings, just enough for good lighting and views, and a central void for indirect light, around which the circulation is laid out. Furthermore, we propose a system of planters on the the north and west facades, to grow deciduous vines that provide shade and humidity during the hot months, and a roof garden that acts as a buffer for thermal insulation. In the undergraduate building, the east facade is constructed from a concrete wall clad in decorated glass reflecting the hill and filtering light into the classrooms through controlled openings. To the west we design a large vertical concrete lattice, with perennial vegetation planters, shading the corridor and classrooms. Finally, we seek to exploit the breeze from the west in the hot months, to generate cross ventilation in the classroom building and upward movement of air in the central void of the graduate building.

Architects: Duque Motta & AA, Gabriela Manzi, Rafael Hevia
Year: 2013
Photographs:Fernando Guerra | FG+SG
Manufacturers: Arauco, Cbb ReadyMix, Cintac®, MK, Tupemesa
Project Management:Unidad Servicios Externos UDP
Structures:Luis Soler P. & Asociados
Landscape:Francisca Saelzer
Sustainability Consultant:Edificioverde S.A.
Lighting:Mónica Pérez & Asociados
Construction:Bravo e Izquierdo
Technical Inspection:Inspecta S.A.
Collaborator:Catalina Ventura
External Collaborator:Martin Holmes