零售雕塑 “是EditionX设计过程中很早就出现的一个术语。与设计货架、展示架或销售台的行为相比,我们希望产生一个单一的设计元素,一种雕塑,它有自己的审美质量和质量,同时受到现有条件的启发,同时也开始定义新的条件。因此,一个长长的中心形式被开发出来,通过空间吸引人们的目光。

‘Retail Sculpture’ is a term that emerged early on during the design process of EditionX. Rather than the act of designing shelves, displays, or sales desks, we wanted to produce a singular design element, a sculpture of sorts that has it’s own aesthetic quality and massing that simultaneously is inspired by existing conditions while also setting out to define new ones. Thus, a long central form was developed that draws one’s eye through space.

下方的 “桌子 “元素和镜面的 “天花板 “元素共同压缩了空间,并在产品展示上方产生了一种亲密感。这些元素由一种 “现成的 “工业格栅材料制成。这种产品具有独特的自我支撑结构能力和诱人的视觉质量,可以屏蔽和过滤光线,根据人们的有利位置产生不透明/透明的时刻。

Together, a lower ‘table’ element and a mirrored ‘ceiling’ element compresses the space and produce an intimacy above the product display. These elements are made of an “off-the-shelf” industrial grating material. This product has a unique self-supporting structural ability and an enticing visual quality that screens and filters light, producing moments of opacity/transparency depending on one’s vantage point.


These qualities, along with the material’s relative affordability, allow for larger design gestures to be executed within a modest budget. In this application, the commercial space was designed for a Cannabis retailer, that like many others in Canada is navigating an industry that is in its infancy.

StudioAC负责定义一个零售美学,其灵感来自于品牌的价值,但也试图进一步完善它们。这个方法是 “极简 “的方式,同时做出一个令人难忘的声明,定义这个现在的位置,但也可以采取行动,以激发未来。

StudioAC was charged with defining a retail aesthetic that was inspired by the brand’s values but would also attempt to further refine them. The approach is ‘minimal’ in ways while making a memorable statement that defines this present location but can also act to inspire future ones.

面积: 1000 m²
摄影作品:Doublespace Photography
Architects: StudioAC
Area: 1000 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Doublespace Photography