这个小公寓,是50年代在Chacarita附近建造的房产碎片化的残留产物,在一楼形成了一个 “ochava”,其视觉效果既向外开放,又暴露在街道的好奇目光中。这三个因素,加上客户希望居住在一个发光和灵活的空间的意愿,决定了项目的策略。

This small apartment, residual product of the fragmentation of a property built in the 50s in the neighborhood of Chacarita, forms an “ochava” on the first floor with visuals as open to the outside as exposed to the curious look from the street. These three factors, added to the will of the client to inhabit a luminous and flexible space, determine the project strategy.

少数元素的拆除使得空间无条件的同质化,只留下一个小浴室。构成 “ochava “的墙体的完全开放,使得空间在视觉和功能上得到了扩展。

The demolition of the few elements allowed the unqualified homologation of the space, leaving out only a small bathroom. The complete opening of the wall that made up the “ochava” allowed the visually and functional expansion of the space.

间隔围墙的结合提供了一个新的装置,一个能够在夏季扩大公寓的使用范围并在冬季收缩的隔膜。一个热床垫,由于其几何形状和质地,将承担确保el Camarín的隐私的责任。

The incorporation of spaced enclosures offers a new device, a diaphragm able to expand the use of the apartment in summer and to contract it in winter. A thermal mattress that, due to its geometry and texture, will assume the responsibility of ensure the privacy of el Camarín.


On the two remaining walls a piece of furniture contains a small kitchen, refrigerator and washing machine is displayed, it expands and gives access to the existing bathroom, it organizes the technical lines, storage spaces, equipment and gives shelter to the bed and desk that are related to the rest of the environment through a library.

建筑师:IR arquitectura
摄影师:Fernando Schapochnik
Architects: IR arquitectura
Area: 25 m²
Year: 2018
Photographer: Fernando Schapochnik
Country: Argentina