这场大流行改变了住房和公共空间之间的关系,适应了我们成员之间的分享和作为一个社区的整合方式。目前,在COVID 19卫生紧急事件之后,我们发现社区是有弹性的,重新组织,并更新社会纽带以保护。 会议点提供了一个机会,让我们了解微型社区的社会层面是如何在危机时期得到加强的。

The pandemic has changed the relationship between housing and public space, accommodating the way we share among members and integrate as a community. Currently, after the COVID 19 sanitary emergency, we have found out the communities are resilient, reorganize, and renew the social bonds for protection. The meeting points provide the opportunity to learn how the social dimension in micro-communities is reinforced in times of crisis.

在大流行期间,与东马帕辛格的 “Hijos del Suelo “社区开展了合作工作,该社区位于厄瓜多尔瓜亚基尔市的一座山上,是一个边缘的郊区。它是作为人道主义援助和社会恢复项目与COOPI(国际合作组织)一起开发的;在那里的五个月里,通过使用不同的方法,包括栖息地的社会建设,灌输了一个参与性的设计过程,以恢复旧的、恶化的公共住宅。

During the pandemic, cooperative work was carried out with the community “Hijos del Suelo” in East Mapasingue, a marginal suburban area located on a hill in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. It was developed as humanitarian aid and social restoration project with COOPI (Cooperazione Internazionale); where for five months, a participatory design process was instated by using diverse methodologies including the social construction of the habitat in order to rehabilitate the old, deteriorated communal home.

公用住宅修复项目成为社区的 “灯塔”,因此,它是指导家庭进行文化和教育活动的指南。由于它的渗透性和延伸到公共空间的能力,它在白天充当了一个聚会点,而在晚上,它的光亮投射到楼梯上,为社区创造了安全和活力。目前,灯塔为该地区的250个家庭和150多个不同国籍的儿童提供了一个安全的融合空间,他们把这个空间作为阅读、娱乐和各种休闲活动的场所。

The communal house rehabilitation project becomes a “lighthouse” for the community, thus, a guide that sees the families through their cultural and educational activities. It serves as a meeting point both during the day due to its permeability and its ability to extend to the public spacing, as well as during the night when its luminosity projects upon the stairs creating security and dynamism in the neighborhood. At present, the lighthouse serves as a safe integration space for 250 families in the area and for more than 150 children of different nationalities who use the space as an area for reading, recreational, and diverse ludic activities.

基本的设计策略之一是通过建造一个平台来扩大公共空间,在楼梯和内部空间之间创造一个过渡空间。 大型折叠门允许两种清晰的空间配置。当关闭时,公共房屋内的物品被保护起来,平台作为楼梯的延伸;当打开时,街道被引入公共房屋的内部空间,模糊了私人和公共空间以及内部和外部空间之间的界限。 这种矛盾的情况证明了对 “公共住宅 “这一概念的解读,它是一个矛盾体,在一个家庭和公共共存的混合空间中得以实现。

One of the fundamental design strategies consisted in amplifying the public space with the construction of a platform which created a transition space between the stairway and the interior space. The large folding doors allow two clear spatial configurations. When closed, the communal house contents are kept safe, and the platform serves as an extension of the stairway; when opened the street is introduced into the communal house’s interior space blurring the boundaries between the private and public space as well as interior and exterior space. This ambivalent situation evidences the reading of the concept “communal house” as an oxymoron that materializes in a hybrid space where the domestic and the common coexist.


Upon further critical reading, it was decided to preserve the preexisting modular structure and to intervene in the limits of the communal house to convert them into transition thresholds that in turn function as programmatic bands. The façade towards the street connects the exterior with the communal house’s extension floor, the diving wall is demolished to gain a strip of light and activity; the previous bathroom and kitchen batteries are eliminated to configure a compact and practical services band. The lateral façade wall is demolished to build a large transparent piece of furniture where to store, sit and read. Finally, the cover is dismantled and raised to generate further ventilation and lighting. A final gesture is made, a balcony on the east-facing corner leans out to welcome visitors and serves as an attraction point on an urban scale as it can be seen from afar.


The protruding vertical element that symbolizes a lighthouse and gives the project an industrial character serves both as a skylight during the daytime to capture sunlight while at night the opposite effect occurs as it projects the light from the interior towards the rest of the buildings. The interior space is all white to capture and reflect the greatest amount of light necessary due to the communal house’s implantations complex conditions. The narrow and elongated piece of land in between diving walls does not allow openings to illuminate three of its facades. Lastly, the folding doors, the service area’s curtains, the furniture, and plants allow the space configuration to vary to accommodate the spaces’ diverse activities organized at the community level.

Architects: BBL estudio, Jorge Ludueña, Juan Carlos Bamba, Pierre Berrú
Photographs :JAG studio
Manufacturers : BTicino, Andec, Holcim, NOVACERO
Lead Architect : Juan Carlos Bamba, Pierre Berrú, Jorge Ludeña
City : Guayaquil
Country : Ecuador