El Terreno是一个社区花园和教育中心,完全用我们以前的建筑中使用的回收材料建造。

El Terreno is a community garden and educational center built exclusively with recycled materials used in our previous constructions.


The site, rich in soil, minerals and stones, became an ideal setting to grow an urban garden dedicated to growing flowers, aromatic plants and vegetables. A multipurpose pavilion is inserted into the hill, gradually opening towards the garden. Bent rod sections become stone-filled retaining walls that surround the habitable area. The roof of the pavilion collects water for irrigation and simultaneously cultivates aromatic plants that invite the predominant pollinator population of the orchard. This roof is supported by trusses made up of sections of poles and bars that were previously used as falsework for old concrete formwork. Through just four different modules, all of the armor was assembled by community volunteers.

我们的客户,深入参与了地方特有物种的种植,也是环境教育的伟大推动者。El Terreno的创立理念是成为一个与自然相关的环境教育中心。所种植的产品在当地商店销售,并用于个人消费,在用户和社区志愿者中分发。

Our client, deeply involved in the cultivation of endemic and local species, is also a great promoter of environmental education. El Terreno is founded with the idea of being an environmental education center in connection with nature. The products that are grown are distributed in local stores and for personal consumption, distributed among users and community volunteers.

由于Covid-19大流行病的开始和学校的关闭,El Terreno的设计侧重于一个多功能的空间,以容纳一个幼儿园。考虑到这一点,我们感到有责任用专门为这个项目设想的材料、模块和施工方法来产生一个非参照性的建筑。对我们来说,重要的是要避免在用户进入这个新空间时产生任何倾向性,因为它的目的是多元化和用户在其周围环境中的重新发现。

As a result of the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and the closing of schools, the design of El Terreno focused on a versatile space to house a kindergarten. With this in mind, we felt the responsibility of generating a non-referential architecture from materials, modules and construction methods conceived specifically for this project. For us, it was important to avoid any predisposition that we could generate in users when entering this new space since it is intended for plurality and the rediscovery of the user in their immediate environment.

Architects: Vertebral
Year: 2021
Photographs: Ricardo de la Concha
Sustainable Engineering:Michelle Kalach
Art Director:Fortuna Kalach
Structural Calculation:Ricardo Gavira
City:Mexico City