受玩具 “旋转泡泡 “的启发,我们将PMQ的院子变成了一个泡泡天堂,五颜六色的泡泡充斥在这里,将快乐传播给每个人。

Inspired by the toy “spinning bubble”, we are turning PMQ’s Courtyard into a bubble paradise, where colourful bubbles fill the place and spread happiness to everyone.

泡泡在视觉上令人愉悦,有一种轻盈和清爽的感觉。设计简约而不平淡,为公共空间注入了创意美学和诗意元素。24朵薄如蝉翼的 “云 “漂浮在庭院上空,随风飘动–多么令人心旷神怡的景象啊!

The bubbles are visually pleasing, with a sense of lightness and refreshing coolness. The design is minimalist without being plain, which injects creative aesthetics and poetic elements into the public space. 24 flimsy, flap-like “clouds” float over the Courtyard and flutter in the wind – what a refreshing sight!

60多个气泡装置摆放在地面上,其中一半以 “自得其乐 “的方式摇曳起舞,自动滚出悦耳的节奏;另一半则欢迎市民伸手旋转,让气泡慢慢绽放,变成如梦似幻的 “肥皂泡 “或其他肥皂。

Over 60 bubble installations are placed on the ground, half of them sway and dance in a “self-satisfied” manner, automatically rolling out a pleasant rhythm; the other half welcome the public to reach out and spin, so that the bubbles will slowly bloom and turn into a dreamlike illusionary “soap bubbles” or other soaps.


The beauty of the bubbles is very different during the day and at night. The night lights and the bubbles are intertwined to reflect a mysterious charm. Whether you are an adult or a child, let’s spin together and witness the beauty and happiness generated.


Mr. Shuyan Chan, AaaM’s Co-founder/Director shares with us that “design needs to respond effectively to the nitty-gritty of life and the surrounding environment, in order to bring a good sense and experience. The floating and pulsating bubbles can always give people a sense of healing, thereby alleviating tension and stress. This interactive installation hopes to bring the time and space for fast-paced Hongkongers to ‘take a break’ amidst the often suffocating environment.”

Architects: AaaM Architects
Area: 500 m²
Year: 2018
Photographs: AaaM Architects, PMQ Management Company Limited
Manufacturers: Hattrick Creative Limited
City:Hong Kong