我们将站在所有对题的中间点。从对极端点的思考出发,由5个模块的位置来定义一个舱室,解决基本功能。模块之间的空间将用层状元素封闭,以应对气候要求。这些模块的功能将是。储存,穿衣,烹饪,加热,休息。它们将嵌入技术,在所有情况下,它们将有热和防水涂层。它们将包含一个太阳能热水系统,一个太阳能厨房,一个trombe墙,和 “moser “太阳能灯。所有组件将在现场制造,并可能有不同程度的预制。后者将在制定提案的一个月内与组织者对话确定。夏令营结束后,表皮会被拆除,体积会被压实,然后用卡车装载到下一个地点。

We will stand at an intermediate point of all the pairs of topics. From the reflection on the extremes, a cabin is defined by the position of 5 modules that solve the basic functions. The space between modules will be closed with a laminar element that will respond to climatic requirements. The modules functions will be: STORE, DRESS, COOK, HEAT, REST. They will have the technology embedded, in all cases they will have thermal and waterproof coating. They will incorporate a solar heating water system, a solar kitchen, a trombe wall, and “moser” solar lamps. All the components will be manufactured on site, and may have different levels of prefabrication. The latter will be defined in dialogue with the organizers during the month of developing proposals. After the summer camp, the skin is dismantled, the volumes are compacted and a truck is loaded for its next location.

夏令营/露营 对于营员来说,他的身体和环境之间的关系是决定性的。寻找最直接的关系,最少的中间环节。难民会寻求他的身体和周围环境之间的最大距离。弗拉涅尔想要轻巧地穿越地域。装备的数量将取决于体验的挑战和它的背景。我们的小木屋为主要功能定义了独立的体积:休息、储存、烹饪、加热和洗澡。它们可以在领土上分离工作,也可以形成一个舒适的避难所。它们也可以被放置在现有的皮肤内。这个皮肤的技术含量将是决定性的。

Camp / Camping For the camper, the relationship between his body and the environment is decisive. Looking for the most direct relationship, with the least number of intermediations. The refugee will seek maximum distance between his body and the surrounding. The flaneur want to travel lightly through the territory. The amount of equipment will depend on the challenge of the experience and its context. Our cabin defines autonomous volumes for the main functions: rest, store, cook, heat and bath. They can work disassociated in the territory or form a comfortable refuge. They can also be placed inside an existing skin. The amount of technology this skin has will be decisive.

临时/永久 临时发生的事情可以永久地活在记忆中,并被暂时记住?建筑的临时性是什么?在它的可记录性和可复制性的条件下,一切以系统化的方式投射、记录和构建的东西都可以以笛卡尔式的精确性重复。小木屋的模块被设计成永久性建筑的元素,可以持续使用。它们的便携性使它们有能力在不同的地点和不同的配置中停留有限的时间。在使用者的记忆中,所选择的位置将是永久的,而在使用条件上则是暂时的。

Temporary / Permanent What happens on a temporary basis can live permanently in memory and be remembered temporarily? What is the temporary dimension of architecture? In its condition of documentability and replicability, everything that is projected, documented and constructed in a systematic way can be repeated with Cartesian exactitude. The modules of the cabin are designed to last as elements of permanent architecture. Their portability gives them the ability to stay a limited time in different locations and with different configurations. A chosen disposition will be permanent in the memory of its user and temporary in its condition of use.

农村/城市 田野和城市之间的二分法说明了一些必须重新审视的情景。能够用同样的设备在不同的情境之间推导出一个个体交替的位置。居住的条件可以在永久学习的基础上得以维持。兴趣相近的个体可以产生附加的动态社区。Tomas Saraceno在Aeroscene的声明中提出:”我们的挑战将是共同学习。”我们的挑战将是共同学习如何在空中漂浮和生活” 在我们的案例中,我们的挑战将是一起学习如何在乡村和城市之间漂浮和生活。

Rural / Urban The dichotomy between Field and City states some scenarios that must be revisited. Being able to derive between different contexts with the same equipment allows thinking of an individual alternating locations. The condition of inhabiting could be sustained on the basis of permanent learning. Individuals with similar interests could produce additive and dynamic communities. Tomas Saraceno proposes in the statement of Aeroscene that: “our challenge will be to learn together to float and live in the air”. In our case, the challenge will be to learn together to float and live between the countryside and the city.

手工/工业 新的工艺流程将预制、路由和软件设计作为建设性工具。我们的小木屋将有一些可以在车间里预制的部件。然后在现场进行组装,这将是真正的手工工艺。善用技术的满足感是弥合工匠和工业过程之间差异的一种方式。

Manual / Industrial The new craft processes incorporate prefabrication, routing and software design as constructive tools. Our cabin will have pieces that can be pre-produced in the workshop. Then the assembly in-situ will be real craftmanship. The satisfaction of the good use of technology is a way to heal the differences between artisan and industrial processes.

连接/离网 连接使我们更强大,连接使我们成为人类。连接的可能性带来了定义我们连接的责任,如何连接,多少连接,何时连接和连接什么。同样的变量将被定义在我们的舱室模块的互动中。

Connected / Off Grid The connection makes us stronger, the connection makes us human. The possibility of connecting us carries with it the responsibility of defining, how, how much, when and what for we connect. The same variables will be defined for the interaction of the modules of our cabin.

时尚/专业 我们重视时尚,认为它是以一种可见的方式引入创新的必要背景。海德格尔提出,每一件作品都来自于一个世界,当它成为世界的一部分时,就会改变它。
意识/无意识 意识是一个变量,它定义了我们所有行动的意义,让我们在不同的场景中准确行动。意识让我们能够超越环境而快乐。

Trendy / Expertise We value fashion as the necessary context to introduce innovation in a visible way. Heidegger proposes that every work emerges from a world and when it becomes part of it, modifies it.
Consciousness / Unconsciousness Consciousness is the variable that defines the meaning of all our actions, allows us to act accurately in dissimilar scenarios. Consciousness allows us to be happy beyond the circumstances.

建筑师:IR arquitectura
照片:Bujnovsky Tamás
Architects: IR arquitectura
Year: 2018
Photographs: Bujnovsky Tamás
Country: Hungary