
The project emerges from a process of reflection on certain factors that we retain essential: the climatic conditions of the Peruvian coast, the geographical characteristics of the coast in which the dwelling was to be located, and the clients needs.


Between the Andes range and the ocean there is a long thin strip of dusty, dun-coloured desert almost at sea level. Although the Peruvian desert is one of the most arid ones in the world, its climate is not extreme. Temperatures range from 14°C minimum in winter to 29°C maximum in summer, with very little variations between day and night due to a high percentage of humidity.

即使如此,为了居住在沙漠中,我们认为必须 “驯化 “这种特殊景观的绝对和永恒的秩序,而不否认或背叛它。线索是创造必要的亲密关系,以便在秘鲁沿海景观的广阔和抽象中生活。

Even though, to inhabit the desert, we believe it is essential to ‘domesticate’ the absolute and eternal order of this particular landscape without denying or betraying it. The clue was to create the necessary intimacy to live in though integrating to the vastness and abstraction of the Peruvian coastal landscape.

我们决定在设计过程中,首先想象一个抽象而朴素的体量,其界限由建筑法规来界定。然后,在设计过程中,我们 “挖掘 “这个理论上的实体,像考古学家清除沙子以发现该地区的前哥伦布时期的遗迹一样,一点一点地清除物质。

We decided to begin the design process by imagining an abstract and plain volume whose limits are defined by building regulations. Then, during the design process, we “excavated” this theoretical solid, removing matter bit-by-bit as archaeologists remove sand to discover the pre-Columbian ruins in this region.

这种 “减法逻辑”,与常见的 “构造逻辑 “非常不同,被应用于项目的所有规模。其结果是外部空间与内部空间在一个辖区内的连续流动空间中合并。这个区域将沙漠的绝对和无限的空间与居住的私密空间分开。从这个定义明确但可渗透的区域,景观和天空都以不同的方式被框住。

This ‘subtractive logic’, very different from common ‘constructive logic’, was applied to all scales of the project. The result was exterior spaces merging with interior spaces in a continuous fluid space within a precinct. This precinct divides the absolute and infinite space of the desert from the intimate spaces of dwelling. From this well defined but permeable precinct, landscape and sky are each framed in different ways.


The entrance patio leads to the intimate space of the house. This space extends towards the ocean with a large terrace. This terrace is conceived as an artificial beach that relates to the ocean by a long and narrow pool. The living/dining space roof is conceived as a weightless beach umbrella, anchored to the precinct. Limits between the living/dining space and the terrace are naturally erased by frameless glass sliding panels.


An open staircase follows the natural topography and leads to the bedroom level beneath the terrace. The children’s bedrooms are accessible by a patio/pergola covered by the terrace deck. The parents’ bedroom is reached at the end of the staircase, passing under the suspended pool.


The use of ochre/sand colour, found also in pre-Columbian and colonial houses, prevents the building from visually aging as it gathers layers of desert dust, and reinforces the sense of unity of the excavated volume.


The long distance between our office in Paris and the Peruvian site led us to rationalize the construction system, and detail work that appeared not to be essential was eliminated. We simplified the remaining details so that they could be easily built by local crafts people.

Architects: BARCLAY&CROUSSE Architecture
Area : 174 m²
Year : 2003
Manufacturers : GRAPHISOFT