该教堂为弗洛达社区增添了一个温馨的新聚会空间,并在城市广场和教堂之间建立了联系。这座现代化的教堂旨在向社区开放,在明亮、诚实和热情的氛围中,将当地的城市环境和城市中心的日常场景融合在一起。教堂为300名成员创建,同时也是一个会议和演讲厅。此外,教堂还附属于Garveriet,这是一个多功能的建筑,里面有一个受欢迎的可持续发展的餐厅和面包店。教堂和Garveriet周围的区域已经通过与MARELD Landskapsarkitekter合作,利用操场和花坛进行开发,并随着时间的推移不断扩大和发展。

The church adds a welcoming new gathering space to the community of Floda and creates a connection between the town square and the church. This modern church aims to open up towards the community in a bright, honest and welcoming atmosphere intergrating the local urban context and everyday scenes in the centre of the city. Created for it’s 300 members it also functions as a conference and lecture hall. In addition the church is attached to Garveriet, a mixed-use building with a popular sustainable restaurant and bakery. The area around the church and Garveriet has been developed through the usage of play- grounds and plant beds together with MARELD Landskapsarkitekter to expand and develop over time.

“木材在整个项目中一直是重要的材料,从外部看,不同尺寸的外墙有助于保持建筑的规模,而内部则有助于良好的声学效果和温暖的氛围,”Kaminsky Arkitektur的建筑师Joakim Kaminsky说。

”Wood has been an important material throughout the project, externally the different dimensions of the facade help to keep the scale down on the building, while the interior contributes to good acoustics and a warm atmosphere,” says Joakim Kaminsky, architect at Kaminsky Arkitektur.

Kaminsky Arkktur的建筑师Joakim Kaminsky说:”大型教堂大厅经过精心的声学设计,无论是用于教堂礼拜还是举办音乐会,都能营造出一种大气的感觉。此外,木材的使用提供了健康舒适的室内气候,是一种可持续发展的建筑材料选择,具有低碳足迹和耐久性。

The large church hall is carefully acoustically designed to create an atmospheric feeling regardless of it’s use of a church service or a packed concert. Additionally the use of timber provides a healthy and comfortable indoor climate and is a sustainable choice for building materials with a low carbon footprint and durability.


Plywood has been chosen as a main material for the interior creating a modest yet beautiful enviroment. It is used to create wooden slats for an acoustic wall or as a suspended ceiling creating beautiful raste- rized checkerboard patterns. The choice of plywood has also contributed to the social sustainability as the material has facilitated the parishioners to build and carry out many parts of the interior themselves.

在选择家具时,我们采用了循环利用的方法。许多作品都是回收和再循环的,这意味着它们带有自己的历史。在选择家具的时候,我们的出发点是它们应该能够经久耐用,并且是由可以回收的材料制成的,在这种情况下就是木头。设计师Andreas Sture在教堂房间里设计了大部分的作品,比如洗礼字体、椅子椅子、灯具和照明灯。

When choosing the furniture, we have worked with a circular approach. Many pieces are recycled and upcycled, which means that they carry their own history. As starting point when choosing furniture was that that they should last over time and be made of materials that can be recycled, in this case wood. Designer Andreas Sture has designed most of them in the church room, such as baptismal fonts, chairs chairs, fixtures and lightnings.

建筑师:Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture
摄影:James Silverman, Jan Töve
客户:Iglesia Equmenia en Floda
团队:Fredrik Kjellgren, Joakim Kaminsky, Johan Brandström, Jenny Nyström, Usama Abdul Majeed, Annie Andersson, Laura Beltran, Emilio Lorenzato
城市 : Floda
Architects: Kjellgren Kaminsky Architecture
Area: 1400 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: James Silverman, Jan Töve
Client:Iglesia Equmenia en Floda
Team:Fredrik Kjellgren, Joakim Kaminsky, Johan Brandström, Jenny Nyström, Usama Abdul Majeed, Annie Andersson, Laura Beltran, Emilio Lorenzato