由墨西哥的新加坡作家和设计师Prashant Ashoka设计的这个75平方米的住宅,是两个人的离网隐居地,它的电力全部来自于太阳能;它的供水来自于收集的雨水;并在镜子上使用了图案化的紫外线涂层,使它能被鸟类看见,同时又能反射到人眼里。

Conceived as an off-grid hideaway for two – by Mexico-based Singaporean writer and designer Prashant Ashoka –Casa Etérea is a 75-square-metre dwelling that draws all its power from solar energy; its water supply from collected rainwater; and uses a patterned ultraviolet coating on the mirror making it visible to birds while remaining reflective to the human eye.


“The vision was to create a theatre to nature”, Ashoka explains, “so sustainability was crucial in achieving a truly complete integration with the environment”
Working from an intention to leave the landscape untouched, the foundation of the house was built entirely from rock collected off the mountain. And by utilizing site orientation, efficient ventilation design, and insulated glass, the house naturally regulates temperature in the semi-arid desert climate of the central Mexican highlands.


The open-planned concept consists of two rectilinear volumes that merge at a 120-degree V-shaped intersection – drawing an angular likeness to a staggering ravine visible through the exposed glass shower.


From the central living space and bedroom, floor-to-ceiling sliding glass doors frame vistas of towering cliffs, while opening to connect with a decked patio and pool area shaded by olive and pomegranate trees. Behind the intimate kitchen, a rooftop stairway access doubles as a utility room, and remote-controlled outdoor PVC shutters were added to provide security and privacy.

受墨西哥建筑师路易斯-巴拉甘(Luis Barragán)和雕塑家-画家马蒂亚斯-戈埃里茨(Mathias Goéritz)提出的 “情感建筑 “概念的启发,Casa Etérea通过使用外部镜面板来创造一种视觉上的抽象和互动体验,实现了这种更深层次的感官共鸣。镜面立面扩散了野生和结构之间的边缘空间,同时使体积在反映季节变化时具有过渡性。

Heavily inspired by the concept of “emotional architecture,” – coined by Mexican architect Luis Barragán and sculptor-painter Mathias Goéritz – Casa Etérea achieves this deeper sensory resonance by using exterior mirrored panels to create a visually abstract and interactive experience. The mirrored façade diffuses the liminal space between the wild and the structured while allowing the volume to take on a transitional quality as it reflects the unfolding seasons.


As it catches first light, the house gleams as a phosphorescent blue-tinged box, standing in glassy contrast against the felted nocturnal blackness of the mountainside. And in the ombre hues of sunset the volume scintillates against the landscape like a mirage, before disappearing entirely – its structural boundaries never once attempting to alter the surroundings in which it sits.

为了暗示建筑的这一品质,”Etérea “这个名字从西班牙语翻译过来就是 “空灵”,暗示着一种缥缈的、异域的视觉。无论从视觉上还是功能上,这个项目都涉及到建筑作为特定场地的装置艺术和环境的延伸。

Alluding to this quality of the building, the name ‘Etérea’ translates from Spanish to ‘ethereal’, and suggests a nebulous, otherworldly vision. Both visually and functionally, the project touches on architecture as site-specific installation art and as an extension of the environment.


On creating a reciprocal dialogue between the construction and its terrain, Ashoka says: “Light becomes a structural element of this design, distorting the perspective of where the observer begins and the landscape ends. I wanted this interplay of light and scale to evoke a deep sense of awe for the wild, and to beg questions about our role as stewards in the preservation of our ecosystems”.


As more travellers seek out remote experiences amidst social distancing concerns, spaces too have the opportunity to evolve in order to inspire a deeper examination of our relationship with nature.


According to Ashoka, such isolated lodgings have the power to turn us inwards: “These times have made us acutely aware of our interdependence with our environment. And shelters in remote places may afford us a rare stillness and opportunity to bridge the distance between us and the natural world”.

建筑师:Prashant Ashoka
面积:75 m²
玻璃与镜子:Oskar Chertudi Maya
游泳池设计团队:Antonio Santana
顾问:Gabriel Lopategui
景观:Octavio Cambron Munguia
项目经理:Mario Gonzalez
城市:San Miguel de Allende
Architects: Prashant Ashoka
Area: 75 m²
Year: 2020
Glass And Mirrors:Oskar Chertudi Maya
Swimming Pool Design Team:Antonio Santana
Consultant:Gabriel Lopategui
Landscape:Octavio Cambron Munguia
Project Manager:Mario Gonzalez
City:San Miguel de Allende