艺术家Stephen Turner擅长对环境环境进行长期的艺术探索,他与设计师合作创造了这个蛋,现在他将把它作为一个 “居住地”,在Beaulieu河口漂浮一年,研究其海洋生态的变化模式,同时制作受其周围环境启发、影响和启发的艺术作品。这个雄心勃勃的项目检验了艺术家和建筑师在敏感地区的作用,并有助于提高人们对保护河口等地的重要性的认识。

Artist Stephen Turner, who specialises in long term artistic explorations of environmental settings, has worked with the designers to create the Egg which he will now use as a ‘residency’, floating in the Beaulieu Estuary for a year, to examine the changing patterns of its marine ecology, while making artworks inspired, influenced and informed by his surroundings. This ambitious project tests the role of artists and architects in sensitive places and contributes to raising awareness of the importance of protecting places like the Estuary.

该项目由艺术、建筑和教育顾问公司Space Placemaking and Urban Design(SPUD集团)领导。SPUD项目经理菲尔-史密斯解释说。”这个项目的一切都着眼于我们的环境和可持续性的价值;从蛋的设计和建造,到与斯蒂芬-特纳合作提高对环境变化的认识,再到为学校和学院创建一个跨课程的教育计划。

The project is led by art, architecture and education consultants, Space Placemaking and Urban Design (SPUD Group). SPUD project manager, Phil Smith explains: “Everything about this project looks to the value of our environment and sustainability; from the design and build of the Egg, to working with Stephen Turner in raising awareness of environmental change, to creating a cross curriculum education programme for schools and colleges.”

由PAD工作室和斯蒂芬-特纳创建和设计的 “蛋”,其灵感来自于岸边的海鸟筑巢。它是由造船师保罗-贝克在当地建造的,是一个长约6米、直径2.8米的冷成型再生雪松护套结构,艺术家将对其老化情况进行追踪。当地的花旗松被用于支撑肋骨和内部框架;延续了Beaulieu河上古老的木材海洋建筑传统。

Created and designed by PAD studio and Stephen Turner, the Egg was inspired by the nesting seabirds on the shore. It was built locally, by boat-builder Paul Baker, as a cold moulded reclaimed cedar -sheathed structure approximately 6 metres long and 2.8 metres in diameter, whose aging will be tracked by the artist. Local Douglas Fir has been used for the supporting ribs and internal framing; continuing the age-old tradition of timber marine construction on the Beaulieu River.

项目建筑师Wendy Perring解释说。我们的意图是创造一个影响最小的生活/工作结构,使用在20英里范围内采购的低内含能源的材料,并由当地工匠团队使用几个世纪的技术组装起来。我们想测试一个人需要相当舒适的生活的最低限度,以及我们如何最大限度地减少对环境的影响”。

Wendy Perring, the project architect, explains: ‘It was our intent to create a minimal impact live/work structure, using materials with low embodied energy sourced within a twenty mile radius, and put together by a team of local craftsmen using centuries old techniques. We want to test the minimum someone needs to live quite comfortably, and how we can minimise the impact on the environment.”


Inspired by the estuary and its ecology, Stephen Turner will develop the Egg into one of his artworks through the course of the residency; an on-going record of his work will be available for the public to see at Exbury Gardens and on the project website. At the end of the project, the Egg will become part of a sculptural installation of the artist’s work and shown in galleries across the country.


Stephen explains his plans: “My contribution to the design concept of the structure was its symbolic egg form, that will decay and change during my occupation; turning the egg into a calendar revealing the impact of 365 days of changing weather and tides upon its surface. My idea is to show that nothing is forever and that understanding and welcoming such change should be part of our sustainable relationship with the rest of nature.


“I wanted to investigate the landscape at a key moment when climate change is already creating new shorelines and habitats. Established salt marsh is being eroded by a combination of rising sea levels and falling landmass and the entire littoral environment is in a state of flux. The implications for wildlife and flora as well as people are challenging and raise awareness of a particularly 21st century sort of tension.”


The educational aspect of the project is hugely important; schools and colleges have been able to visit the boatyard to learn about, and watch, the construction. Once afloat, Stephen Turner will be liaising with SPUD to engage with a wide local community and will use interactive social media to report on the stages of his voyage of discovery.

Architects: PAD studio, SPUD Group, Stephen Turner
Year : 2013
Photographs :Nigel Rigden
Country:United Kingdom