快马是一家位于明尼阿波利斯的获奖的、快速成长的品牌机构,拥有独特的工作环境。正如商业案例中所解释的,员工没有指定的办公桌。”小马”,也就是快马的员工,被鼓励不要连续两天坐在同一个位置上,并被鼓励将他们的 “工作空间 “从办公室扩展到咖啡馆、酒吧或家里,因为他们选择适合他们在那一天要完成的工作的环境。

Fast Horse is an award-winning, fast-growing, brand agency in Minneapolis with a unique work environment. As explained in the business case, employees have no assigned desk. “Ponies”, as Fast Horse worker are know, are encouraged not to occupy the same seat two days in a row and are encouraged to extend their “work space” beyond the office to the coffee shop, bar, or home as they choose suitable environment for the work that they are trying to accomplish on that particular day.

为了应对这种工作方法,团队开发了一个独特的S、M、L、XL封闭和开放空间的方案描述。”封闭 “产生了不同程度的视觉和听觉上的隐私。 “开放 “可以包括室内但不封闭的,公共空间和室外空间。整个建筑是一个具有不同大小和不同程度的视觉和声学隐私的严重的空间。

In response to this method of work, a unique program description of S,M,L, XL closed and open spaces was developed by the team. “Closed” engendered visual and acoustic privacy to various extents. “Open” could include indoor but non-enclosed, public spaces and outdoor spaces. The entire construct is a serious of spaces with varying sizes and varying degrees of visual and acoustic privacy.

这些空间不仅渗透到内部,而且也渗透到外部。体现这种不同光线条件、隐私和大小的空间理念的建筑艺术品包含在外部楼梯中,这些楼梯在功能上是消防出口,但更多。消防通道的楼梯被放置在街道和建筑的正面之间,以应对现有建筑的小尺寸和场地的严格限制。它们被设计成一个 “向元素开放 “的消防出口,作为建筑的主要视觉标志,为西南方向的光线提供了一个阴影缓冲,并创造了几个大小不一的空间,可以用来坐、接电话和散步。这种街道和建筑之间的 “过渡 “建筑空间允许不同程度的隐私,室内/室外过渡,以及无限的运动模式,以支持快马的工作理念。

These spaces not only permeate the interior but the exterior as well. The architectural artifact that embodies this idea of spaces of varying light conditions, privacy and size is contained in the exterior stairway that are functionally fire exits but much more. The fire exits stairs were placed between the street and the front facade of the building in response to the small footprint of the existing building and the tight constraints of the site. Design as an “open to the elements” fire exit, they act as the major visual marker for the building, a shade buffer for the southwest light, and create several spaces of varying sizes and exposures that can be used for sitting, taking phone calls, and walking. This “transition” architectural space between street and building allows for various levels of privacy, indoor/outdoor transitions, infinite permutations of movement patterns in support of the Fast Horse philosophy of work.

Architects: Salmela Architect
Area: 9000 ft²
Year: 2015
Photographs: Paul Crosby
Manufacturers: EPDM, Loll Designs, Marvin, ROCKWOOL