费尔南多•阿隆索(Fernando Alonso)系列是有史以来最雄心勃勃的一级方程式赛车表演。超过二百七十个物品构成了这个系列,其中包括一级方程式赛车,促销配方和大部分卡丁车。 陪同阿斯图里亚斯车手与他的运动生涯。

Fernando Alonso Collection is the most ambitious show that has ever been made about a Formula 1 driver. More than two hundred and seventy objects make up this collection, which include the Formula 1 cars, promotion formulas and a good part of the karts that have accompanied the Asturian driver in his sports career.

Design: Isern Serra & Sylvain Carlet & Mediapro exhibitions
Graph: Por amor al arte
Photography: Eugeni Pons