Ficus Alto表达了为来自卫星社区的新艺术家提供一个融合和探索的空间的需要,在那里,食物、艺术和音乐可以促进共同的经验。

Ficus Alto expresses the need for a space of convergence and exploration for new artists from satellite communities, where food, art, and music can foster shared experiences.

该项目位于厄瓜多尔洛斯里奥斯省蒙塔尔沃区的皮萨瓜,人口约1363人,位于海岸和高原之间的过渡地带。Vanessa和Jordan决定赋予Ficus Alto以生命;他们的目标是为美食和艺术探索创造一个灵活的空间,重视使用当地食材的手工美食,向自然环境和社区开放。

The project is located in Pisagua, the precinct of Montalvo, province of Los Rios, Ecuador; with a population of approximately 1363 inhabitants; in a transition zone between the coast and the highlands. Vanessa and Jordan decided to give life to Ficus Alto; where their objective was to generate a flexible space for gastronomic and artistic exploration, which values artisanal cuisine with local ingredients, open to the natural environment and the community.

该项目位于一个9×7米的平台上,重新利用了他家的前院,那里是传统上晾晒可可的地方。它的结构由两个金属门廊和一个9×9米的屋顶组成,由具有凸形曲线部分的木质桁架支撑,其中使用0.15 x 4 x 0. 02米的木板生成9个桁架的可能性,其功能是收紧、降低成本,并覆盖更大的长度,没有中间支柱的较小部分,使用现场的劳动力和材料,我们寻求拯救和重新解释我们使用它们的形式,为新用途提供尊严和潜能。

The project is located on a 9x7m platform, reusing the front yard of his house where cocoa was traditionally dried. Its structure is configured by two metal porches and a 9x9m roof, supported by wooden trusses with a convex curve section, where the possibility of using wooden planks of 0.15 x 4 x 0. 02m to generate each of the 9 trusses whose function is to tighten, reduce costs, and cover a greater length without intermediate pillars with a smaller section, using the labor and materials of the site we seek the rescue and reinterpretation of the form in which we use them, dignifying and potentiating it for new uses.

这个灵活的方案将平台与场地中已有的元素联系起来,如老房子、榕树和作为家具的岩石。它的开放性使它成为房子和人行道的延伸;作为日常活动的空间。Ficus Alto被配置为当地艺术活动的开放空间,目的是为社区的社会和文化接触产生新的可能性,从最小的建筑中通过。

The flexible program connects the platform with pre-existing elements of the site, such as the old house, the ficus, and a rock that serves as furniture. Its openness makes it an extension of the house and the sidewalk; functioning as a space for daily activities. Ficus Alto is configured as opening space for local artistic initiatives, with the aim of generating new possibilities for social and cultural encounters in communities of passage from minimal architecture.

Architects: Natura Futura Arquitectura
Area : 678 ft²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Natura Futura Arquitectura