城市绿化是应对气候变化影响和改善市民生活质量的一个基本步骤。 为此,城市需要更加绿色:城市森林可以作为改善环境健康和恢复生物多样性的机会,为子孙后代留下一笔财富。

Urban greening is a fundamental step in combatting the effects of climate change and improving citizens’ quality of life. To this end, cities need to be greener: an urban forest can serve as an opportunity to improve the health of the environment and restore biodiversity to leave a legacy for future generations.

以Timberland的名字命名的装置,其使命是激励和装备新一代来推动世界的发展,是大自然所发挥的重要作用的直接结果,强调了该品牌对更绿色和更公平的未来的愿景,以及循环性的概念,即没有任何东西被浪费。 该项目是Tortona设计周的一部分,旨在强调该品牌致力于成为社会和环境友好的力量,不仅促进城市地区的重新绿化,而且突出最新的生态创新产品。

The installation bearing the name of Timberland, whose mission is to inspire and equip a new generation to move the world forward, is a direct consequence of the important role that nature plays, emphasising the brand’s vision for a greener and more equitable future, along with the concept of circularity, where nothing goes to waste. The project, part of Tortona Design Week, aims to emphasize the brand’s commitment to being a force for social and environmental good not only by promoting the re-greening of urban areas, but also by highlighting the latest in eco-innovative products.

由Stefano Boeri Interiors设计的米兰Darsena水面上的一个有意义和可识别的景点,是城市景观中一个引人注目的元素。由建筑师Stefano Boeri和Giorgio Donà成立的多学科工作室,在室内建筑、展览设计和产品设计领域经营和开发项目和研究。

A meaningful and recognisable attraction created on the waters of the Darsena in Milan, a striking element on the urban landscape, designed by by Stefano Boeri Interiors. The multidisciplinary studio founded by architects Stefano Boeri and Giorgio Donà that operates and develops projects and research in the field of interior architecture, exhibition design and product design.


The Floating Forest goal is not only to convey new forms of environmental responsibility and new ways of occupying and transforming urbanized spaces, but to offer a place of intersection and reconciliation between the natural sphere and human beings. A space for sociality where the distance that the individual puts between himself and the natural world takes on new shapes and sizes.


The forest has been conceptually and physically studied as an independent ecosystem, where 610 plants and 30 species multiply biodiversity and activate environmental benefits related to urban forestry, in connection with other green spaces in Milan.



The forest offers not only an environment where you can rediscover the importance of biodiversity and the benefits of nature, but also a fully immersive experience, both physical and virtual, that through the scent of the flowers and the tactile qualities of the chosen species, involves all the senses.

A range of trees, such as Maple, Birch and Apple, will be present, as well as bushes such as the Aronia Berry, Hydrangea, Mahonia and Pittosporum, and perennial grasses such as Stipa, Eulalia, Anemone, Daylily, Purple Verbena and Pampas.


The path through the installation will have four fundamental points related to different senses and will lead visitors to interact with the latest ecological product innovations and the brand values. The sensory elements will be brought together through an on-site digital experience, and the experience will also be available online for those unable to attend the Fuorisalone event.


The first area of interest is associated to Timberloop Take Back Program, which encourages consumers to return their worn Timberland® to a Timberland® selected store or through a convenient pre-paid, ship-from-home option. Returned products are either repaired/refurbished for resale, or disassembled – with some parts being re-used and the rest being recycled.


The second area is dedicated to GreenStride, one of the latest technology Timberland has launched. GreenStride™ soles are made using a 75% combination of renewable sugar cane and rubber from trees, making them naturally lightweight and comfortable, with rebound in every step.

第三个展厅 “聆听与呼吸 “进一步解释了大自然对米兰市和我们生活的积极影响,例如森林作为一个独立的生态系统的概念以及它在吸收二氧化碳方面的作用。

最后,参观者可以发现Timberland对一个更绿色的未来的愿景–在这个愿景中,我们可能会对大自然产生净的积极影响。 然后,游客可以通过创建社交媒体内容来参与,并留下积极的印记。

The third room “Hear & Breathe” presents further explanation of the positive impact that nature has on the city of Milan and on our lives, such as the concept of the forest as an independent ecosystem and its role in absorbing CO2 .

Lastly, visitors can discover Timberland’s vision for a greener future – one where we may be able to have a net positive impact on Nature. Visitors can then engage by creating social media content and leave a positive mark

Architects: Stefano Boeri Interiors
Year : 2022
Photographs :Daniela Di Corleto
Lead Designers : Stefano Boeri Interiors: Stefano Boeri, Giorgio Donà
City : Milano
Country : Italy