
In the living room, the atmosphere must be relaxed, but there must be room to accommodate your unique elements. This project uses soft, clean furniture in grey and blue tones. The sofas and chairs feature original oak and concrete tables.

这就是摆好桌子的餐厅 – 无论是娱乐客人还是安静的家庭聚餐。氛围必须放松和舒适 – 休闲是关键词。你会发现大量的装饰花瓶里装满了鲜花和绿色植物。餐桌上的灰色和白色陶瓷餐具被烛光照亮。餐桌上的灰色和白色陶瓷餐具被悬挂在桌子上的许多绿色,黑色和白色大理石灯照亮。

This is where the table is set up – whether it’s an entertaining guest or a quiet family dinner. The atmosphere must be relaxed and comfortable – leisure is the key word. You will find plenty of decorative vases filled with flowers and green plants. The grey and white ceramic tableware on the table was illuminated by candlelight. The grey and white ceramic tableware on the dining table is illuminated by many green, black and white marble lamps hanging from the table.

收纳至关重要; 简单的橡木桌面上的各种存储解决方案。这里既有创意空间,也可以清爽简约。

Storage is essential; a variety of storage solutions on a simple oak desktop. There is both a creative space and a refreshing simplicity.


The bedroom is calm and quiet. Soft tones and colours create an oasis of home and relaxation. Beautifully soft wool plaids and cushions are neatly placed on the bed, and the green marble bedside table provides an important personal style for the room. The bedroom is the most in need of quiet and simple rooms. Keep it as simple as possible and save any distracting elements.
Decorative elements are the key to individual residences. Unique vases, flowers and greens.

Project Year: 2016
Country: Denmark
Postcode: 7430
