“ 我们生活在一个天堂般的星球上,我们必须意识到这一点, ” Ben Simon Rehn说。这位德国摄影师已经在冰岛生活了近五年,他正在提供一种蓝色和绿色色调的新魔术系列,名为“自然艺术”。这些独特的照片是和他的朋友Volcanopilot在他的祖国的许多飞行中拍摄的。“ 他们根本没有计划,我们像往常一样飞越冰岛,而另一位朋友则带着他的飞机加入我们。我们转过雄伟冰冷的溪流,第二架飞机在我们下面。这是我开始拍摄的地方。我有一切 人们认为从这个角度展示冰川河流的美丽是很有趣的。

“We live on a heavenly planet, we just have to realize it,” says Ben Simon Rehn. The German photographer, who has been living in Iceland for almost five years, is offering a new magical series of blues and greenish tones, entitled “Art of Nature”. These unique photos were taken on one of his many flybys of his home country, with his friend Volcanopilot. “They were not planned at all, we were flying over Iceland, as we usually do, and another friend came to join us with his plane. We turned above the majestic icy streams, with the second plane below us. This is where I started shooting. I immediately thought that it was interesting to show the beauty of the glacial rivers from this angle “.

©Simon Rehn

©Simon Rehn

©Simon Rehn

©Simon Rehn

“ 冰岛真正激励我的是光线,色彩和环境条件的变化。当我捕获图像时,就好像我创建了一个永远不会再相同的情境的记忆。发现新的歌曲和尝试新的东西让我去的 Ç ETTE方式。对我来说,展示地球是动物和植物的天堂也是非常重要的。P 我们推的观众享受和高于一切,要尊重它。对我来说,提高人们对气候变化和动物大规模灭绝的认识也很重要。“

“What really inspires me in Iceland is the changing conditions of light, colors and the environment. When I capture an image, it is as if I create a memory of a situation that will never be the same again. Finding new compositions and trying new things pushes me to continue on this path. It is also very important for me to show that the Earth is a paradise with its fauna and flora. To push the spectators to appreciate it and especially, to respect it. It is also important for me to raise awareness about climate change and the massive extinction of animals. ”

©Simon Rehn

©Simon Rehn

©Simon Rehn

©Simon Rehn

©Simon Rehn

©Simon Rehn

©Simon Rehn