通过她的摄影,Cat Byrnes捕获了一个遗忘的世界。从纽约的城市街道到宾夕法尼亚州家乡的田园后院,Cat寻求通过看似平凡的回忆唤起生命中被遗忘的某个瞬间,编织成Cat的艺术视觉 – 我们所有人之间的共同人性。

Through her photography, Cat Byrnes, captures a world deferred. From the city streets of New York, to the pastoral backyards of her hometown in Pennsylvania, Cat seeks to evoke echoes of memories through the seemingly mundane. Brief moments of time, forgotten episodes of each subject’s life, weave into the fabric of Cat’s artistic vision- the shared humanity between us all.
Cat is a multimedia artist whom currently resides in Manhattan & works as a photo editor.

Author: © Cat Byrnes
