在他的摄影处女作的同时,Chris Garvi在法国和国外学习英美文学和文明。无论是黑白还是色彩,他都继续喜欢模拟摄影,以满足他的所有个人项目。Chris Garvi是一位自学成才的摄影师,通过摄影书籍学习。
他的第一个影响是FSA的美国摄影师和法国人文主义学校。他根据他的项目以及他想要讲述的内容,改变并改变他的“工具”。他拒绝用“技术”来冻结他的摄影,以允许他永久地进化。他的纪录片和虚构作品表明作者特别关注他们的叙事方面。他的作品自2000年以来一直是几个展览的主题,杂志上的一些出版物,2016年“BiénalesofPhotography Aubagne”目录中出版的作品“马赛,我唱的颜色”。
与他的伴侣和情人Pauline Alioua一起,他出版了两本书:2016年第8版的“Plein Coeur”和ArnaudBizalionéditeur于2018年出版的“Dans le Creux du manque”。他们一起正在与Arnaud Bizalion合作开展两个新书项目:一个在阿尔及尔,另一个在伊朗。

In parallel with his photography debut, Chris Garvi studied English and American literature and civilization in France and abroad. Working in both black and white and color, he continues to favor analog photography for all his personal projects. Chris Garvi is a self-taught photographer who learned through photographic books.
His first influences are the American photographers of the FSA and the French humanist school. He varies and changes his “tools” according to his projects and what he seeks to tell. He refuses to freeze his photography in a “technique” to allow him to evolve permanently. His documentary and fictional works show the author’s particular attention to their narrative aspect. His works have been the subject of several exhibitions since 2000 and several publications in magazines, a publication in the catalog of the “Biénales of Photography Aubagne” 2016 for his work “Marseille, colors I sing”.
With his partner and lover, Pauline Alioua, he has pubished two books : “Plein Coeur” in 2016 at Editions 8 and “Dans le Creux du manque” in 2018published by Arnaud Bizalion éditeur. Together, they are working on two new book projects with Arnaud Bizalion : one on Algiers and one on Iran.

Author:©Chris GARVI
