Putra Haryo Kurniawan出生于1998年,现居印度尼西亚雅加达。他在过去的三年里开始街头摄影。他是新闻专业的学生,现在是印度尼西亚最大的新闻摄影机构Antara Foto的实习生和自由职业者。他还是IndoStreetProject(ISP)的成员,IndoStreetProject是印度尼西亚的街头摄影组织之一。

Putra Haryo Kurniawan was born in 1998 and lives in Jakarta, Indonesia. He started street photography the last three years. He’s a student in journalism and now intern and freelance in Antara Foto, the biggest press photo agency in Indonesia. He is also a member of IndoStreetProject (ISP), one of the street photography community in Indonesia.

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Author:© Haryo KURNIAWAN