马克是出生于德国格林威治村的移民,他在新泽西州北部的郊区长大。他于2006年搬到了这座城市,并于2007年开始拍摄。Lillian Baseman和Saul Leiter作为早期影响,并很快成长为欣赏20世纪美国街头摄影师的作品。他目前制作照片的动机源于想要描绘在28mm视角下公共空间的陌生人之间的无意关系。

Born to an immigrant from Germany and a Greenwich Village native, Mark grew up in the suburbs of northern New Jersey. He moved to the city in 2006 and began photographing in 2007. He cites Lillian Baseman and Saul Leiter as early influences and soon grew into admiring the work of 20th century american street photographers. His current motivation for making photographs stems from a desire to depict the inadvertent relationship between strangers who share space within 28mm framelines.

Author: © Mark Beckenbach
