Sean Colello在新泽西州长大,他经常发拍摄朋友滑冰 – 最终对文件的需求逐渐变成了对摄影的热爱。这些天他住在纽约皇后区,无论走到哪里都带着相机,策划在他面前展现的日常生活,拍摄出旨在捕捉他所居住的世界的照片。

In New Jersey, where Sean Colello grew up, he constantly found himself filming his friends’ skating — eventually that need for documentation evolved into a love of photography. These days he lives in Queens, NY, and carries a camera wherever he goes, curating the daily life that unfolds in front of him into photographs that aim to capture the world he lives in.

Author: © Sean Colello
