
The site is located in a protected natural habitat; Working with environmental and conservation authorities on the project was a challenge but also an inspiration for the project. Building such a structure with a hidden beam ninety feet long and a cantilevered green roof was one design challenge. The second was the cradle and stair in a thin shell steel structure. Getting permits and then getting through the engineering and materiality challenges of the noted architectural elements were a huge relief to achieve at the level we did. We are really happy and proud of the outcomes.

屋顶和雕塑般的天花板是由Pure Timber LLC提供的弯曲的白橡木建造的。我们用同样的材料建造了层叠的地板。压缩弯曲的木材首先被蒸煮,使其变得柔韧,然后被放在一个压缩室中。这个过程将木板收缩到原长度的25%,同时保持其其他尺寸。木材经过进一步的压缩和静止,以平衡木板中的力量。然后,它被运到现场,水分含量相对较高,使其在安装和完全干燥之前具有灵活性。一旦干燥,木板就会保持其形状。

The roof and sculptural ceiling are constructed out of bent white oak supplied from Pure Timber LLC. We used the same material for the cascading floors. The compression bent wood is first steamed to make it pliable then it’s placed in a compression chamber. This process shrinks the boards up to 25% of the original length while maintaining their other dimensions. The wood goes through further compression and resting to equalize the forces in the planks. Then it is shipped to site with a relatively high moisture content that allows it to be flexible until installed and fully dried. Once dried, the planks retain their shape.

这个过程不需要在现场进行蒸汽弯曲,而且很容易用手将其 “冷 “弯曲到原来未被压缩的长度。更为传统的蒸汽弯曲工艺在弯曲时将原木纤维拉长,超过了原来的长度,往往会导致木材开裂,可操作性有限。一个胶合板华夫饼的摇篮被挂在楼梯的底部,压缩的木材被直接弯曲到胶合板的肋骨上,这既是一个指南,也是固定木板的支持结构。

This process requires no steam bending on-site and is easily bent “cold” by hand back to their original uncompressed length. A more traditional process of steam bending lengthens the original wood fibers past their original lengths when bent, often leading to splits in the wood and limited workability. A plywood waffle cradle was hung from the underside of the stair and the compression wood was directly bent onto the plywood ribs, which served both as a guide and support structure to fasten the planks.


The project is comprised of a pair of domino forms above and below a sweeping cantilevered green roof. Under the green roof lies the pool and wellness facilities. Inside the dominos are the guest house programs including three bedrooms, baths, and a great room with a kitchen. The pool room and guest home are bisected by the stair and breezeway which is a lovely covered outdoor room.

Architects: Partisans
Area: 4473 ft²
Year: 2020
Manufacturers: Marvin, Owen Sound Ledgerock, Soprema, tineKhome, Alvar Aalto, MPRO, Noguchi, ONO, Pure Timber, Thorncrest Kitchens, Zellige, panoramah!®, pure & original
Lead Architects: Alex Josephson, Pooya Baktash, Jonathan Friedman
Contractor: Sunfield Renovations LTD
Structural Engineering: Blackwell Structural Engineers
Interior Consultant: Mjolk
Landscape: Heather Bancroft Landscape Architecture
Project Manager:Tim Melnichuk
Building Envelope:RDH Building Science