在ASA North领导的 “阿尔戈当代艺术博物馆和文化中心 “开幕后,该公司展示了他们实践的另一面:注重气氛、组合和策划,而不是传统的建筑努力,博物馆的参观者与该公司有联系。

After the opening of “Argo Contemporary Art Museum & Cultural Centre” led by ASA North, the firm showed another side to their practice: one focusing on atmosphere, assemblage, and curation rather than the traditional architectural efforts that the museum’s visitors associated with the firm.

位于Pejman基金会Argo的地下画廊,ASA North与它的姐妹工作室ASA South一起为一个名为 “为了平静 “的展览设计了布局。该展览的重点是伊朗著名摄影师Newsha Tavakolian的一部电影,与展览同名。这部电影在这次展览上的首映,是艺术家在近四年的时间里采访了100多位女性后,形成的20分钟的个人视觉体验。

Located in the underground gallery of Pejman Foundation’s Argo, ASA North designed the layout for an exhibition named ‘For the Sake of Calmness’ with its sister studio ASA South. The show focuses on a film by renowned Iranian photographer Newsha Tavakolian that goes by the same name as the exhibition. The film’s premiere at this exhibition was a 20-minute personal visual experience that came together after the artist interviewed over 100 women, over nearly four years.

ASA North-South的设计将死胡同的地下画廊空间变成了 “一个永无止境的空间”,在其末端放置了一个无边界的镜子,并伴有一条诱人的红地毯。这也使得参观者可以直接在屏幕上观看电影,或通过其在镜面上的反射间接观看。

ASA North–South’s design transforms the dead-end underground gallery space into “a never-ending space” by placing a borderless mirror at its end, accompanied by an inviting red carpet. This also allows visitors to watch the film directly on the screen or indirectly via its reflection on the mirrored surface.

展览的总体氛围是对现实的实验性把握,以感官刺激为中心。根据策展人的说法,”我们认为将隧道式的有限空间转变为 “欢迎和诱惑 “的无限空间是很有趣的。我们的记忆习惯于在黑暗的空间里体验电影,而在这里,在镜子和屏幕中间的电影展览期间,灯光一直亮着。这个 “中间 “区域,加上艺术家的独白,激起了人们的感官,同时又是亲密的和遥远的”。

The general atmosphere of the exhibition is an experimental take on reality that centers on sensory stimulation. According to the curators “we thought it would be interesting to transform the tunnel-like finite space into a “welcoming and seductive” infinite space. Our memory is used to experience films in dark spaces and here, the lights were kept on during the exhibition of the film in the middle of a mirror and a screen. This “in-between” zone, together with the artist’s monologue, provoked the senses and simultaneously was intimate and distant”.


About the exhibition design of For the Sake of Calmness, the artist states: The effect was intense – “Like the viewer is inside the film”.

Architects: Ahmadreza Schricker Architecture North – ASA North
Area : 210 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :Mona Janghorban
Manufacturers : Absokoun, Barad Painting
Lead Architect : Ahmadreza Schricker
Structural Engineer : Behrang Bani-Adam
Job Captain : Mehdi Holakoui
Project Manager : Mona Jan-Ghorban
Art Advisor : Roxana Afkhami
City : Tehran
Country : Iran