凭借 “Forum am Seebogen “的贡献,建筑工作室heri&salli在Aspern-Seestadt的 “Townhouse open to different usages “的概念竞赛中获胜。该建筑群将出现在维也纳新区 “Seestadt “的 “Am Seebogen “区的800平方米的H7A建筑工地上。

With the contribution „Forum am Seebogen“ the architectural studio heri&salli was able to win the concept competition for the “Townhouse open to different usages” in Aspern-Seestadt. The building complex will emerge on the 800 m2 building site H7A in the quarter “Am Seebogen” in the new Vienna district “Seestadt”.

在与一家建造家庭住宅的公司、文化和城市的机构art:phalanx、景观建筑公司Paisagista Liz Zimmermann和Strobl Bau GmbH的合作下,开发了一个异质项目,其中生活、工作和文化的传授形成了一种富有成效的共生关系。由于特别关注模块化系统设计的潜力,我们创造了一个当代的原型。其目的是在较短的施工时间内,以相对较低的成本建造一个高质量的生活空间。

In collaboration with a company that builds family homes, art:phalanx-agency for culture and urbanity, landscape architecture Paisagista Liz Zimmermann and Strobl Bau GmbH, a heterogenic project, where living, working and imparting of culture form a fruitful symbiotic relationship, was developed. With a special focus on the potential of modular system design, a contemporary prototype was created. The objective is to build in a short construction time and with a relatively low cost a high-quality living space.


The permeable podium zone is designed as a forum open to different usage that fulfills a very central location general functions of the building site and possesses to a great extent a public character. As a central regulator to revive the district, the ground floor is procedurally programmed.

这是一个艺术家和文化工作者的临时平台,从长远来看,它可以成为一个成熟的文化机构,以及IBA_Wien 2022的临时热点;通过一个创新的展览区和一个户外城市模型,”Seestadt “的发展可以以一种游戏的方式来体验。与有吸引力的户外设施一起,该论坛创造了一个功能实体,在向湖边长廊的过渡中,邀请人们参观、长期逗留和对话。

It s a temporary platform for artists and cultural workers that in the long run can become an established cultural institution as well as a temporary hotspot for IBA_Wien 2022; by means of an innovative exposition area and an outdoor city model the development of “Seestadt” can be experienced in a playful way. Along with the attractive outdoor facilities, the forum creates a functional entity that in the transition towards the lakeside promenade invites a visit, a longer stay, and a dialogue.


On the upper floors, various combinations of prefabricated basic modules of different housing typologies are created. Output modules, extensions, spaces that can be connected if required and terraces offer a variety of possibilities. Small entities can be used as mini-labs, micro-working units, or shared infrastructure, they are integrated in the structure in the same way as a big area for activity-based-working on the top floor.

Architects: heri&salli
Area : 2500 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Paul Ott photografiert
Lead Architects : heri&salli
Landscape Architecture : Paisagista Liz Zimmermann,
Construction Company : strobl bau
COMPETITION TEAM : David Florez, Chaido Kaproulia
PROJECT TEAM : Rumena Trendafilova, Kristyna Sevcikova, Tynn Chao, David Florez
Client : familienwohnbau
City : Wien
Country : Austria