雕塑艺术家Massimiliano Pelletti生活和工作在意大利小镇皮埃特拉桑塔。佩莱蒂出生在一个工匠家庭,通过祖父的教导,他磨练了大理石加工的技能。现在,他的实践已经演变成对材料的当代思考,在这一系列作品中,他融合了古典形式的大理石半身像和水晶形式。通过这一点,佩莱蒂思考了谨慎的工艺和机会之间的紧张关系。他的雕塑,作为这一实验的最终结果,尖锐地表达了新增长与衰败的对比,呈现出与过去时代标志性意象的深思熟虑的互动。

Sculptural artist Massimiliano Pelletti lives and works in the Italian town of Pietrasanta. Born to an artisan family, Pelletti honed his skills in the processing of marble through lessons with his grandfather. Now, his practice has evolved into a contemporary contemplation of the material, and in this series of works, he fuses the classically formed marble busts with crystalline forms. Through this, Pelletti considers the tensions between careful craftsmanship and chance. His sculptures, as an end result of this experimentation, speak poignantly of new growth contrasted with decay, presenting a thoughtful interaction with iconic imagery of a bygone era.

Author: Massimiliano Pelletti
Photography: © Massimiliano Pelletti
