
Sex on the Beach, Cosmopolitan, White Russian. A cocktail bar is usually rated by the quality of the classic drinks (and their modern adaptations), but those who hope to get a taste of them at Gamsei, may either look elsewhere, or dare find out what a Lavender Drunk Bee is made of.

杜松子酒、马鞭草汁、薰衣草蜂蜜。2013年,店主兼首席调酒师马修-巴克斯(Matthew Bax)在慕尼黑的时尚街区格洛肯巴赫(Glockenbach)开设了Gamsei,他将超本地主义引入了一个实践领域,在那之前,这个领域主要局限于食品领域。在Gamsei,像薰衣草醉蜂、中年危机和Frühlingserwachen这样的鸡尾酒的原料,要么是由Bax和他的团队野生采集的,要么是由当地自耕农种植的,从而重新建立了与当地产品、地区和文化的联系,并提供一些独特的东西。巴克斯是一位澳大利亚艺术家,也是三家酒吧的创始人,其中墨尔本的获奖酒吧Der Raum设想他的第四家酒吧作为鸡尾酒酒吧全球化的解毒剂;为什么在你去的每个酒吧都喝同样的鸡尾酒?为什么不在喝鸡尾酒的时候体验一下新的刺激呢?

Juniper schnapps, verjuice, lavender honey. When owner and head bartender Matthew Bax opened Gamsei 2013 in Munich’s trendy neighbourhood Glockenbach, he introduced hyper-localism to a field of practice which had till then been mainly confined to the food scene. At Gamsei, ingredients for cocktails like Lavender Drunk Bee, Mid-Life Crisis and Frühlingserwachen, are either wildly foraged by Bax and his team or grown by local artesian farmers, thus reestablishing a connection with local products, region and culture and offering something that is unique in its kind. Bax, an Australian artist and founder of three bars among which award winning bar Der Raum in Melbourne envisioned his fourth as an antidote to the globalization of cocktail bars; why drink the very same cocktail in every bar you go to in the world? Why not experience the excitement of the new when sipping a cocktail?

由Buero Wagner(德国慕尼黑)的Fabian A. Wagner与Andreas Kreft共同设计和执行的酒吧内部装修,显然是这一理念的延续–在向巴伐利亚当地文化和工艺致敬的同时,寻求令人惊讶的配置。

The bar interior, designed and executed by Fabian A. Wagner of Buero Wagner (Munich, Germany) with Andreas Kreft, is a clear continuation of this philosophy – looking for surprising configurations whilst paying a tribute to the local Bavarian culture and craftsmanship.


The ambience of a typical Bavarian beer hall has been applied to the 40m² interior through amphitheater-style benches against opposing walls thus eliminating the common separation of bartender and guest, here interaction is key and everybody has a first row seat: from either tribune guests enjoy a view onto the two centrally placed bars and follow how Bax and his team mix, shake and stir up the cocktails.


Also the bars have been stripped of all boundaries: workspace and bar are one. Dried flowers, herbs and leaves are stored and displayed in a wooden built-in cupboard that stretches the full length of the back wall; Besides ingredients, also the coffee machine and even the doors to the bathrooms and laboratory are seamlessly integrated and can be flexibly displayed or disguised behind lattices.

论坛、酒吧和橱柜都是用天然油饰的实心橡木执行。白色的陶瓷瓶被悬挂在连接在天花板上的黑色钢网上,里面装着自制的利口酒、糖浆和香精,在这些瓶子之间,灯泡构成了一个夜间的照明方案。 就像巴克斯的鸡尾酒原料一样,Buero Wagner在当地采购了所有材料,如木材、陶瓷(由Gefäß & Objekt公司定制)和钢材,并与当地的木匠和制造商密切合作,生产定制的解决方案。

Tribunes, bars and cupboards are executed in solid oak with a natural oil finish. White ceramic bottles are suspended from a black steel mesh attached to the ceiling, which contain self-made liqueurs, syrups and essences, in-between which light bulbs make for a reduced lighting scheme by night. Just like Bax’s cocktail ingredients, Buero Wagner procured all materials such as wood, ceramics (custom-made by Gefäß & Objekt) and steel locally, and worked in close collaboration with local carpenters and manufacturers to produce custom-made solutions.

Gamsei是一个完全整合的概念,将喝鸡尾酒的活动变成一种新奇的体验。这种对鸡尾酒吧的新鲜尝试进一步延伸:酒保身着统一的皮围裙,在客人进门时拿走他们的外套后,为他们提供诸如 “Biersand “之类的娱乐性饮料,而两侧的护栏–只有不穿鞋才能爬上去–允许进行体育广播。

Gamsei is a wholly integrated concept that turns the event of drinking a cocktail into a novel experience. The refreshing take on the cocktail bar extends further: bartenders, dressed in uniform leather aprons, serve their guests an amuse-gueule such as “Biersand”, after taking their coats upon entering, and the tribunes on either side – to be climbed only without shoes – allow for sports broadcasts.

Architects: Buero Wagner
Area : 40 m²
Year : 2013
Photographs :Jann Averweser, Simon and Sebastian Schels