
The felling of an expansive tree in a private garden in Southern Germany left a huge gap on the site boundary overgrown densely with high bushes and trees. For this gap a structure was designed occupying the space without closing it off. In the shape of a classical garden shed the Garden Folly merges well into its dense green surroundings, creating a place to sit outside in the garden but at the same time being inside.

体积由丙烯酸管的网格结构组成,通过专门为该项目开发的接头连接。两个二维的十字形丙烯酸部件交错在一起,形成简单的三维接头。虽然管子是透明的,但接头是由白色的亚克力激光制成的,根据照明情况,突出了白色的、像星星一样的接头。然后,”花园福地 “的体积变成了空间中看似盘旋的点云。

The volume consists of a grid structure of acrylic tubes connected by joints developed especially for the project. Two two-dimensional cross-shaped acrylic parts interlock to create the simple three-dimensional joints. While the tubes are transparent, the joints are lasered from white acrylic, accentuating the white, star-like joints depending on the lighting. The volume of the Garden Folly then turns into a seemingly hovering cloud of points in space.

如果太阳光很强,亚克力管在阳光下闪闪发光,强调了网格的结构。根据不同的视角,这个合理的几何综合体的印象在清晰的结构和任意的安排之间摇摆不定。因此,”花园傻瓜 “结合了相反的特征:房屋原型的封闭空间和开放、流动的空间,质量和亮度,外部和内部,结构和任意,清晰和模糊,传统和概念。

If the sun light is strong, the acrylic tubes gleam in the sun and emphasize the grid’s structure. Depending on the view point the impression of this rational geometric complex oscillates between clearly structured or arbitrarily arranged. Thus the Garden Folly unites contrary characteristics: the contained space of the archetype of a house and the open, flowing space, mass and lightness, outside and inside, structure and arbitrary, clearness and ambiguity, the conventional and the conceptual.

Architects: Kawahara Krause Architects
Area : 10 m²
Year : 2017
Manufacturers : Evonik Industries
Other Participants : Lasercut Hamburg
Architect In Charge : Tatsuya Kawahara, Ellen Kristina Krause
City : Leonberg
Country : Germany