这座房子体现了海滨生活的精神,因为它有一个神奇的海洋位置,以及一个陡峭的岩石海岸线和一个理想的东北方向。 倾向于在街道上的谨慎规模,细微的设计对其位置和邻居很敏感,安静的焦点和分层的材料提供了神秘感和隐私,同时也是悉尼最繁忙的海岸线之一。我们的设计寻求一种适当的回应,其形式直接与海湾相连,同时为相邻的邻居保持视线。

This house embodies the spirit of seaside living in response to a magical site on the ocean, and a steep rocky coastline with an ideal north-east aspect. Preferring a discreet scale to the street the nuanced design is sensitive to its location and neighbours, with a quiet focus and layered materiality providing mystery and privacy along with one of Sydney’s busiest coastlines. Our design sought an appropriate response with a form that connects directly with the bay, whilst maintaining view lines for the adjoining neighbour.


Externally, mass, depth, and abstract form contrast sharply to the natural surroundings. Sunlight accentuates the splayed walls, shadows, and deep recesses, contributing to a clear delineation of the form. Shadows are a deliberate result of the design intention casting deeply onto white walls rendering the house a carved solid aesthetic.

在内部,各种相互连接的空间,交替出现的压缩和扩张的体验,为业主和他们的访客创造了一种感官上的感知。 安全感和幸福感是设计的核心。 简单原材料的感官组合促成了一种空灵和宁静的氛围。

Internally, the various interconnected spaces, with alternating experiences of compression and expansion, create a sensory perception for the owners and their visitors. Feelings of safety and happiness are central to the design. The sensorial combinations of simple raw materials contribute to an ethereal and tranquil atmosphere.

在地面上,景观是有战略角度的,墙壁和开口是为了隐私和发现,通过一系列的公共、私人和舒适的空间。 从生活空间流出来,一个带有内置比萨饼烤箱的私人庭院被设计为户外生活,免受南风的影响。

At ground level, the view is strategically angled with walls and openings for privacy and discovery leading through a series of communal, private and cosy spaces. Flowing from the living space, a private courtyard with a built-in pizza oven is designed for outdoor living protected from southerly winds.

将光线和通风带入地下音乐室的深处是一个挑战。通过在车道和车库下面的挖掘,金属栅栏在不同的方向上倾斜,现在全天都能捕捉到阳光,并使砂岩岩面的美感活跃起来,在雨天也能让水自然流动。 这创造了一个温暖的空间,是私人和内省的。 超大的推拉门使客户能够将空间开放给岩穴的冷却空气。

Bringing light and ventilation deep into the subterranean music room was a challenge. By excavating below the driveway and garage, metal grills angled in different directions, now capture the sun throughout the day, and animate the beauty of the sandstone rock face and allows the natural flow of water on rainy days. This creates a warm space that is private and introspective. Oversized sliding doors allow the clients to open the space up to the rock cavity’s cooling air.

房子需要尊重客户对简单和诚实的材料的渴望,没有多余的材料,简单的形式,在这样一个流行和突出的位置,有一个令人回味的存在,基本要求是实用和最小的维护。 除了通常的家庭必需品外,还有一些特殊要求,如健身房、音乐室和酒窖。

The house needed to respect the client’s desires for simplicity and honesty of material without excess, simple forms with an evocative presence for such a popular and prominent location, with the underlying requirement for practicality and minimal upkeep. Beyond the usual family essentials, special requests were for a gym, music room and cellar.

客户参与了决策,并在建造过程中亲临现场。 与一个多技能的建筑商合作,他直接与许多行业合作,这意味着整个过程被简化了。 所选择的材料坚固而精干,并将结构作为装饰来庆祝。客户了解每一个设计动作会产生的影响,并忠实地支持每一个决定。这有助于降低建筑成本。

The client was engaged in decision making and was onsite during the build. Working with a multi-skilled builder, who worked directly across many trades, meant the process was streamlined. The materials selected are robust and lean and celebrate the structure as the finish. The clients’ understood the impact every design move would make and faithfully stood behind each decision. This helped to keep the construction costs down.

为了让房子与海岸环境充分接触,结构工程师的贡献使得大跨度的建筑得以实现。 与当地的一个砖厂合作,使得定制的赤土微风块能够满足功能和审美的要求,为室内提供动态的光线,调节视野和天气,并让房子呼吸,这有助于房子不可或缺的元素。

For the house to engage fully with its coastal context, the contribution of the structural engineer made long spans achievable. Collaborating with a local brick maker made possible the custom-manufactured terracotta breeze blocks that met both the functional and aesthetic, providing a dynamic play of light to the interior, tempering views and weather, and letting the house breathe which contribute to the indispensable element of the house.


External materials were chosen for their inherent natural hues and qualities requiring minimum long term maintenance. With the passage of time, the natural materials will age gracefully, developing natural patina’s as natural materials do in nature when they are left to weather by the elements. Central to the design approach is the integration of gardens on walls, roofs, and courtyards, which absorb rainwater and create a thermal buffer. Underpinning the project’s sustainability principles are passive cooling and heating, evacuated solar tubes for hot water and under-floor heating, solar panels, rainwater harvesting, overhangs, double glazing, and mass construction.


The robust nature of the house ensures longevity and adaptability for future generations, employing structure as finish and energy efficiency overall is what we think contributes to real sustainability. This home thoughtfully engages the clients with the site at every step and elevates their daily lives.

Architects: Renato D’Ettorre Architects
Year: 2018
Photographs: Justin Alexander
Structural Engineering: Northrop
Landscape: Renato D’Ettorre Architects, Hortus Landscape Design
Design Team:Renato D’Ettorre, Belinda Brown, James Allen, Renato D’Ettorre Architects