“幽灵小屋 “是位于西雅图Chophouse Row的一个特定场地装置。该装置的灵感来自于该地的历史过去–一个边疆的家园,其地基仍然位于庭院之下。通过用厚重的雪松木板重新想象边疆小屋,艺术家们向该地的历史致敬,并为公共空间创造一个焦点。

“Ghost Cabin” is a site specific installation located in Seattle’s Chophouse Row. The installation is inspired by the site’s historical past—a frontier homestead whose foundations still lie below the courtyard. By re-imagining the frontier cabin in heavy cedar planks, the artists pay homage to the site’s history and create a focal point for the public space.

该装置于2018年完成,由Chophouse Row的开发商Dunn + Hobbes的Liz Dunn和当地艺术家兼策展人Greg Lundgren委托进行。标准包括特定地点的艺术作品 “承担风险,并创造一个具有新闻价值和戏剧性的超大型视觉和内脏存在”。 人们还表达了对艺术品的强烈愿望,即为Chophouse Row院子里一个原本荒凉的角落增加 “有机的、原始的物质存在”。

Completed in 2018, the installation was commissioned by Liz Dunn of Dunn + Hobbes, developer of Chophouse Row, and Greg Lundgren, a local artist and curator. Criteria included the site-specific artwork “take risks and create an outsized visual and visceral presence that is newsworthy and dramatic.” A strong desire was also expressed for artwork that would add “an organic, primordial material presence” to an otherwise forlorn corner in the Chophouse Row courtyard.


To create the installation, cedar planks were applied to the various surfaces within the boundary of the courtyard corner, collaging together the disparate elements to create a unified tactile composition. The distorted field of wood comes together as both a natural focal point in the courtyard space and serves as a backdrop to reorient perspectives.


The cabin shape is, from most vantage points, unrecognizable—an evocative and distorted layered wood plank sculpture. But from one precise vantage point, the cedar planks momentarily re-assemble and the silhouette of the gable cabin is revealed.

Architects: SHED Architecture & Design
Year : 2018
Photographs :Rafael Soldi
Manufacturers : L&S
Lead Architects : Kara Greenetz, Prentis Hale
Contractor : Plumb Level Square
Curator : Greg Lundgren
Client : Liz Dunn, Dunn, Hobbes
City : Seattle
Country : United States