在日本新泻县长冈市的一个大雪地区,该场地位于半工业区,更确切地说,是位于工厂和稻田之间的一个住宅区。附近有一条用于Jōetsu子弹列车的高架铁路,以及一条宽阔的道路和一条用于工业用途的河流,这些都是该地区稍具规模的景观特征。与这种景观的大地块相比,GO-BANG! 房子需要为父母和孩子提供一个紧凑的空间。

In a region of heavy snowfall in Nagaoka, Niigata, Japan, the site is situated in the semi-industrial zone, more specifically, in a residential district in between factories and rice field. An elevated railway for The Jōetsu bullet train nearby as well as a broad road and a river for industrial use characterize slightly larger-scale landscape of the area. In contrast to a large plot of such a landscape, GO-BANG! House is required to be compact for parents and a child.


On the ground floor, four rooms: master-bed room, walk-in-closet, Japanese-style room and a spare room, are assembled as a compact core of life and structure in the centre of the house.

这个核心被日本传统上称为 “Doma “的石膏地板所包围,因此Doma对于活动的流通和扩展起着重要作用。用摩托车、自行车、家具和各种迷人的物品填满Doma,并充分利用贯穿内外的墙壁和房屋周围屋檐下的外部空间的线索,将各种爱好和他们的日常生活从核心部分展开到场地的开放空间;从内部到外部。

The core is surrounded with the mortared floor, which is traditionally called “Doma” in Japan, so that the Doma takes an important role for the circulation and extension of their activity. Filling the Doma up with a motorbike, bicycles, pieces of furniture and various charming goods, and making good use of clues of both walls penetrating inside and outside and the exterior space under the eaves around the house, a variety of hobbies and their daily life are unfolded from the core to the open space in the site; from inside to outside.


Kitchen and their favorite chairs are put in an attic on the small core, as if living space were floating in the space encapsulated in the outer wall and roof. The outer wall obtains firm stability as a bearing wall with structural larch plywood in thickness of 24mm. Moreover, the outer roof is supported by three large suspended walls made with steel truss and larch plywood in same thickness as the outer wall. Thus a spacious one-room with large openings at the corner of the house is achieved without pillars in a region of heavy snowfall in Nagaoka.


From the wall to the ceiling, Larch plywood was carefully polished and dyed white as an interior finish, therefore the proper diffusion of the light wraps the life gently. This roughness of the Larch plywood is too crude for the interior in a sense of touch, but too delicate for the exterior.


The consciousness of the spatial continuity between inside and outside is a result of the ambiguity created from both the materiality of larch plywood and the elaborate detail for the sash-less opening. We might feel as if we relaxed in a bower in the garden on the ground floor, on the other hand, as if we lived in a small floating garden on the first floor. Such an open feeling and environment are created in the very middle of the industrial area.

Architects: Takeru Shoji Architects
Area: 92 m²
Year: 2014
photographs: Murai Isamu