当你听到一个政党办公室时,你会怎么想?对我们来说,特别是在印度尼西亚,政治办公室给人的印象是僵硬的、密封的、不友好的,并将自己从社会中强化。也许党的内部或外部冲突频繁,还有公众的示威游行,是造成政党办公室强化和密封印象的主要原因,但从哲学上看,一个政党的生命存在于自己的选民中,这是很矛盾的。DPD DKI雅加达的Golkar党,作为项目业主和印尼最古老的政党之一,打算进行一场革命,成为一个更现代、更透明、更协作、更开放的政党,以便开始吸引那些对政治感兴趣的年轻人的注意,直接进行实践,当然,所有的愿景必须与作为这个政党的主要活动容器和 “文明脸 “的办公楼相一致。

What do you think when you hear a political party office? For us, Delution, political office especially in Indonesia has a rigid impression, sealed, unfriendly, and fortify themselves from the society. Perhaps the frequent internal or external conflicts of the party and also the public demos are the main reasons for the impression of the fortified and sealed offices of the party, but philosophically, it is very contradictory to see that the life of a political party exists in its own constituents. Golkar Party of DPD DKI Jakarta, as the project owner and one of the oldest party in Indonesia intends to conduct a revolution to become a more modern, transparent, collaborative, and open party so that it can begin to attract the attention of young people who are interested in politics to practice directly, of course, all the visions must be in line with the office building which is the main container of activity and “face of civilization” of this political party.

雅加达Golkar DPD的新面貌,代表了印尼最古老的政党的革命。在现有的条件下,这个项目有两座最初的建筑,其中一座是作为办公室使用的建筑,另一座是像新建的建筑一样留下了骨头和混凝土。考虑到该党的资金来自于其成员的集体力量,建筑师必须在预算尽可能少的情况下做出改变,因为当时加尔卡党正在追逐雅加达省长选举的时刻,加尔卡党想把新办公室作为一个选举场所,公众可以和加尔卡党自己携带的省长一起观看投票的计算过程。

The new face of Golkar DPD Jakarta which represents a revolution of the oldest party in Indonesia. Seeing the existing condition, this project has 2 initial buildings consisting of 1 building that functioned as an office, and 1 more building that left behind bone and concrete like newly built building. The architects had to make a change with the budget as minimal as possible, considering the party’s funds derived from the collectivity of its members in a very fast tempo, because at that time the Golkar party were chasing the moment of election of the governor of Jakarta, where Golkar wants to use the new office as an election venue where the public could watch the calculation of vote together with the Governor who carried by Golkar party itself.

建筑师试图以 “革命 “为主题开始修复这个建筑的概念,改造不仅仅是形成一个新的建筑,也是对党员和社区本身作为这个建筑的使用者的行为和精神的革新。革命 “的概念本身包含4个主要概念,作为大楼的基础。这四个概念是开放和透明,绿色复兴,合作和社区中心,以及提高民族主义。

The architects try to start the concept of restoration of this building with the main theme is “Revolution”, where the renovation is not only forming a new building, but also a lot of revolutionizing the behavior and mental of party members and the community itself as a user of this building. The concept of Revolution itself carries 4 main concepts as the basis of the building. The four concepts are Open and Transparency, Green Reviving, Collaborative & Community Hub, and Raising the Nationalism.


Starting from the First concept, Open and Transparency is not just an architectural decoration, it will also change the behavior of those inside it, starting with the concept of non-fence, is a concept whereby the party wants to open up to the Society so that it will change the society’s perception that the party does not seal and forming exclusivity. At least the 1st floor of a building with a total of 3 floors is a public facility that can be accessed by the public. It also could give the problem in Jakarta, which is the society feel lack of green area for playing area, and socialize. The facility is equipped with a public park, mosque, amphitheater, urban farming gardens, library, as well as commercial facilities such as flower shop, creative shop, bakery shop, minimart, and café as supporting facilities economically.


2nd and 3rd floors are filled with office spaces where the whole room is made with very large transparent glass, so there is no room for a closed and concealed discussion like typical party people. The concept of transparency trains as well as revolves the behavior of political parties that are generally closed to be more open and no one needs to be hidden from each other. Display one of rooms in Golkar office Jakarta, where every room here filled with a large glass to be transparent and can be monitored by anyone.

第二个价值是绿色的复兴,在这里,旧的骨质包裹解决方案与植物是一个解决方案,从成本和时间上感觉最有效,并产生一个更好的面貌和更好的建筑气候。当然,这种方式可以在不改变旧的骨质建筑的情况下进行,所以工作可以更快完成。以前的建筑给人的 “活泼 “印象是没有灵魂的,这也给了我们一个新的精神重建理念,让一切都像植物本身的特性一样,没有界限地生长得更好。绿色的概念不仅来自于 “植物”,而且还注重节约能源,在这个建筑中的每一个空间都有丰富的阳光和空气,这样就可以尽量减少空调的使用。以前的大型建筑,我们也采用了开放走廊布局的概念,这样可以使75%的建筑面积成为开放区,没有空调,从办公区到公共区。

The Second value is Green reviving, where the old bone-wrap solution with plants is a solution that feels most efficient both from cost, time, and produces a better face and a better architectural climate. Of course, this way can be done without change the old bone building so the work could be done faster. The “Lively” impression of a previous building that looked like a soulless also gave a new philosophy of spirit to rebuild so that everything would always grow better without boundaries like the nature of the plant itself. Green concept is not only from “Plants” but also pay attention to save energy aspect, where every space in this building is very rich of sunshine and air so that minimize the use of air conditioner in it. Existing buildings that previously massive we also make with the concept of open corridor layout so that it can make 75% of the building area is an open area and no air conditioning, ranging from the office area to the public area.

雅加达的Golkar大楼的景色,里面全部都是植物,这除了形成一个更环保的建筑外,还有助于为这个地区创造一个更凉爽的小气候。这个概念同时也使这片土地上的微气候变得更加凉爽,这也间接地改变了印尼社会和党员的行为,因为他们一般不欣赏植物和花园。有了因植物而美丽的建筑的概念,当然会使使用这个建筑的人更多地保持植物本身。当然,我们可以转向更多的发达国家,看看他们是如何欣赏城市中的 “植物和绿色 “的。

The view of Jakarta’s Golkar building which is fully packed with plants, this in addition to forming a more environmentally friendly building, also helps create a cooler microclimate for this area. This concept at the same time make the micro-atmosphere in this land become cooler and colder, this also indirectly revolutionize behavior of society and party people in Indonesia which generally do not appreciate plants and garden. With the concept of a beautiful building because of plants, of course, make people who use this building to be more keep the plants themselves. Surely we can turn to the more developed nations how they appreciate a “plant and greenery” in their city.

第三个价值是合作与社区中心,这个概念是令人鼓舞的,因为雅加达政府可以向公众展示,合作是解决这个国家所面临的现有问题的最有力的办法。现在不再是独自行动的时候了。团结、相互合作和协作是这个信息和媒体披露的时代和必须的事情。我们从最基本的党员本身开始应用这个概念,在这里没有了 “主席室 “或 “秘书室 “这样的私人和个体空间。所有的房间都是共享的,可以共享的,并且永远对任何成为Golkar干部的人开放。这当然大大改变了高层党/组织的行为,一般来说,专门因为他所担任的职务,所以领导层和成员之间往往存在着距离。

The Third value is Collaborative & Community Hub, the concept is encouraging with a goal where Golkar Jakarta can show to the public that the collaboration is the strongest solution to the existing problems that are faced by this nation. It’s no longer time to move alone. United, mutual cooperation, and collaboration are things that are mandatory in the era and age of this information and media disclosure. We apply this concept from the most basic of the members of the party itself, where there is no more private and individual space such as the “Chair Room” or “Secretary Room”. All the rooms are shared, can be shared, and always open to anyone who becomes a Golkar cadre. This of course greatly changed the behavior of high-ranking party/organization that generally exclusively because of the position he held, so often there is a distance between the leadership and members.


One view of space that put forward the principle of collaboration, where Golkar Jakarta wanted to eliminate the perception of the exclusivity that generally occurs in the political party environment. For Community Hub, we apply by opening the facilities on the 1st floor to become a forum for joint activities between residents and communities in Jakarta which is so many communities, could be thousands. This activity can be found with amphitheater which can be an area for small seminars, and other similar community events such as talk show, music performance, art performance, exhibition, and more. In addition to the amphitheater, the central park can also be used for various community events, ranging from meetings, community discussions, playmates, to a wedding venue with the concept of the outdoor party. Large garden in front of the building that can be used as a container for the community activities, ranging from exercising, relaxing, to an outdoor venue for marriage citizens.

露天剧场可以为社区、学生或其他类型的社区协会发起的各种活动表演提供功能。最后一个价值和第四个等级是提高民族主义,我们要让每一个成员、同情者和来到这个Golkar办公室的人的民族主义精神得到重生。我们将民族主义精神应用在每个房间的名称中,使用民族的象征,如Bhineka Tunggal Ika, Pancasila, Sumpah Pemuda, Proklamasi, Indonesia Raya,以及在印尼任职的总统的名字,从第一任总统如苏加诺到现任总统如Joko Widodo。我们应用这个概念,使他们在开展活动时,可以把房间作为国籍的象征来称呼。这是在一个重新唤醒国籍本身的价值的活动背景下,在印尼社会中间,国籍的价值正在慢慢开始消失。

The amphitheater that can be functioned for the various event shows that can be initiated by the community, students, or other types of community associations. The last value and the 4th grade is Raising the Nationalism, where we want to regenerate the spirit of nationalism that every member, sympathizer, and the people who come to this Golkar office. Where the spirit of nationalism that we apply in the form of the name of every room that uses the symbols of nationality such as Bhineka Tunggal Ika, Pancasila, Sumpah Pemuda, Proklamasi, Indonesia Raya, and the names of presidents who served in Indonesia ranging from the first president such as Soekarno to the existing president such as Joko Widodo. This concept we apply to make their day when running the activity, they can call the rooms as the symbol of nationality. This is in the context of a campaign to re-awaken the values of nationality itself which are slowly starting to disappear in the midst of Indonesian society.

以民族的 “价值观 “作为每个房间的名字,其中一个名字是Pancasila和Proclamation,这是为了时刻提醒Golkar的每个干部和来到这个建筑的人的价值观。除了上述4个主要价值作为革命概念的实施,建筑师还实施了使用未完成的材料,但形状和包装都很美观,不仅节约了成本,还缩短了工作时间,因此成为展示、成本和时间的双赢方案。建筑师还在每个楼层、空间和区域应用了很多路标,这些都可以使这个建筑在信息方面对用户更加友好。一个应用天花板设计的例子,它使用了原始的细木工板,为了能够有效地建立办公室的时间,但仍然显示了这个办公室的吸引力的美学。

An example of applying the “values” of nationality as the name of every room, one of the name is Pancasila and Proclamation, it is to always remind the values for each cadre of Golkar and the people who come to this building. In addition to the 4 main values as the implementation of the concept of revolution above, the architects also implement the use of materials that are un-finished, but shaped and packaged aesthetically, not only for cost savings, but also shorten the work time so it becomes a win-win solution between display, cost, and time. Architects also apply a lot of way-finding as signposts on each floor, spaces, and areas, these are could make this building more friendly at information to its users. An example of applying a ceiling design that uses a raw blockboard, in order to be able to efficiently build the office from time to time, but still displaying the attractive aesthetics of this office.

Architects: DELUTION
Area: 2600 m²
Year: 2017
Photographs: Fernando Gomulya
Manufacturers: Alvin T, Onel Indonesia, Vivere
Principal Architect:Muhammad Egha, Hezby Ryandi, Fahmy Desrizal
Architect Team:Naufal Ryandi
Interior Designer:Delution Architect
Client:Golkar Jakarta
Site Area:3400 m2