Gutshof Güldenhof是位于柏林的建筑工作室Heim Balp Architekten为越南出生的丹麦概念艺术家Danh Vo(生于1975年)构思并与之紧密合作的最新作品。该项目位于柏林附近的勃兰登堡州Stechlin农村小镇,将一个废弃的农业综合体改造成一个繁荣活跃的艺术、可持续生活和社会互动中心。

At the intersection of art and nature, Gutshof Güldenhof is Berlin-based architecture studio Heim Balp Architekten`s latest completion conceived for and in close collaboration with Vietnamese-born Danish conceptual artist Danh Vo (b.1975). Located in the rural town of Stechlin, Brandenburg, in the vicinity of Berlin, the project saw the transformation of an abandoned farming complex into a thriving and active center for art, sustainable living, and social interaction.

Gutshof Güldenhof是位于柏林的建筑工作室Heim Balp Architekten为越南出生的丹麦概念艺术家Danh Vo(生于1975年)构思并与之紧密合作的最新作品,处于艺术与自然的交汇处。该项目位于柏林附近的勃兰登堡州Stechlin农村小镇,将一个废弃的农业综合体改造成一个繁荣活跃的艺术、可持续生活和社会互动中心。

At the intersection of art and nature, Gutshof Güldenhof is Berlin-based architecture studio Heim Balp Architekten`s latest completion conceived for and in close collaboration with Vietnamese-born Danish conceptual artist Danh Vo (b.1975). Located in the rural town of Stechlin, Brandenburg, in the vicinity of Berlin, the project saw the transformation of an abandoned farming complex into a thriving and active center for art, sustainable living, and social interaction.

建筑师从一个自18世纪以来一直保持完好的石头马厩和谷仓的前牲畜农场出发,对现有建筑进行了一系列的建筑干预,在5000多平方米的范围内为一系列用途创造外部和内部空间。这个综合体于2017年启动,今年完工,Danh Vo主要居住在这里,并与他的合作者一起工作,包括一个艺术工作室;展览和艺术存储空间;金属、陶瓷和木材车间;以及公寓、公共区域和耕作空间–允许在任何特定时间内有多达20人的社区存在。

Working from a former livestock farm with a set of stone stables and barns that had remained intact since the 18th century, the architects undertook a series of architectural interventions on the existing buildings, creating exterior and interior spaces for a range of uses spread across over 5,000 m2. Initiated in 2017 and completed this year, the complex, where Danh Vo mainly resides and works alongside his collaborators, comprises an art studio; exhibition, and art storage spaces; metal, ceramic, and wood workshops; as well as apartments, communal areas, and farming spaces – allowing a community of up to 20 to be present on-site at any given time.

建筑师从一个前牲畜农场出发,利用自18世纪以来一直保持完好的石马厩和谷仓,对现有建筑进行了一系列的建筑干预,在5000多平方米的范围内为一系列用途创造了外部和内部空间。这个综合体于2017年启动,今年完工,Danh Vo主要居住在这里,并与他的合作者一起工作,包括一个艺术工作室;展览和艺术存储空间;金属、陶瓷和木材工作室;以及公寓、公共区域和耕作空间–允许在任何特定时间内有多达20人的社区存在。

Working from a former livestock farm with a set of stone stables and barns that had remained intact since the 18th century, the architects undertook a series of architectural interventions on the existing buildings, creating exterior and interior spaces for a range of uses spread across over 5,000 m2. Initiated in 2017 and completed this year, the complex, where Danh Vo mainly resides and works alongside his collaborators, comprises an art studio; exhibition, and art storage spaces; metal, ceramic, and wood workshops; as well as apartments, communal areas, and farming spaces – allowing a community of up to 20 to be present on-site at any given time.

外墙被重新粉刷成黑色,目的是为了暴露空间中的新干预措施,使其与现有的美学形成对比,而不是掩盖它们,这是Heim Balp的标志性修复方法之一。经过广泛的改造,外墙在现有的基础上增加了新的开口,在黑色的画布上创造了一个自由、抽象的构图,这就是新涂抹的外墙。

The facade was repainted in black with the intention of exposing the new interventions in the space, contrasting them with the existing aesthetics rather than concealing them, one of Heim Balp’s signature approaches to restoration. Widely transformed, the exterior front features new openings in addition to the existing ones, creating a free, abstract composition on the black canvas that is the newly colored plastered facade.

建筑物的心脏是厨房,居民们整天聚集在这里做饭和吃饭–这是Güldenhof生活的一个核心方面。与它相邻的是洗衣房、阅览室和入口处的房间,它们聚集在一个新的体量中,从建筑中延伸到外面,在木质的核心上用金属和半透明的面板进行装饰。在西翼,二楼被拆除,以创造一个巨大的高天花板的生活和工作室空间,在那里安装了一个引人注目的传统多功能烤箱,通常在俄罗斯农村使用。这个4 x 5米的结构位于房间的中心,有一个中央烟囱和几个平台,投资于它周围的广阔空间。它被用作房屋的加热系统以及食物和水的加热,同时也是一个休息的地方。该空间的室内设计反映了沃的艺术方法:充满房间的许多物品、植物、地毯是一种有意识的讲故事的形式。

The beating heart of the edifice is the kitchen, where the inhabitants gather throughout the day to cook and eat – a central aspect of life at Güldenhof. Adjacent to it, the laundry, reading, and entry rooms gather in a new volume extending from the building to the outside, clad with metal and translucent panels on a wooden core. In the west wing, the second floor was demolished to create a vast high ceiling living and studio space where a striking traditional multi-purpose oven, typically used in rural Russia, was installed. The 4 x 5-meter structure is at the centre of the room with a central chimney and several platforms investing the vast space around it. Used as a heating system for the house as well as food and water heating, it also acts as a place to rest. The interior design of the space mirrors Vo’s approach to art: the many objects, plants, rugs that fill the room are a conscious form of storytelling.


The ground floor of the east wing acts as the residential side of the complex, encompassing bedrooms, a common bathroom, and a small library. On the first floor is an expansive studio connected to the second floor of the main house by a volume that echoes that extends from the central wing’s access. In a large plywood cladded room, the studio houses workstations as well as two newly developed staircases. The first is a round concrete stair within a square opening of the floor deck leading to the ground floor, also used for storing timber used in the ovens throughout the complex. The second is a 3-meter-wide wooden stair leading to the upper part of the studio, also used as a display for objects, books and plants. Ultimately, the Main House is thought of as both a functional space and the environment for the artist to express a distinct conception of space as rooted in a narrative, where art, nature, and history coexist. For the interior as for the exterior, the architecture of the complex, a collage of spaces molded by the artist, becomes the backdrop for the production and display of art.


A few meters away, the East Barn is a two-storey stone and brick structure towered by a preserved timber roof. The ground floor has been converted into a humidity-controlled art storage and archive, with a section for paper and film – the original purpose of the complex in response to scarce storage spaces in Berlin. On the first floor, a large exhibition space with a 10- meter-high ceiling is divided into two areas, both kept purposefully empty for temporary installations and performances. The West Barn is an authentic stone structure with timber roofing, kept in its original condition. The space is used as a timber and metal storage space to support the workshops appended onto it, which oversee the year- round production and shipping preparation of artworks produced by Vo and his studio team.

在建筑群的中心,北马厩是社区广泛的可持续农业和园艺活动的场所。只有外墙被保留下来,而屋顶和地板被拆除,以将该空间改造成一个室内温室,并采用新的木材和半透明的聚碳酸酯板屋顶。在冬季为居民提供支持的同时,它也是一个通过艺术来滋养和培养的地方。当Güldenhof向公众开放时,一个小的、铺设好的表面作为活动空间,可以在这里进行音乐、表演和用餐。Gutshof Güldenhof是Heim Balp Architekten开展的第二个与艺术相关的大型项目,此前他们正在对柏林20世纪初的Lindower Straße工厂建筑进行重建,使之成为一个拥有艺术家工作室、工作室、展览空间和公寓的创意中心,将于2022年竣工。

Central to the complex, the North Stables host the community’s extensive sustainable farming and gardening activities. Solely the exterior walls have been retained, while the roof and floor were removed to transform the space into an indoor greenhouse with a new timber and translucent polycarbonate panel roofing. While it supports the residents during the winter, it is also a place nourished by and cultivated through art. A small, paved surface acts as an event space where music, performances, and meals can take place when Güldenhof opens to the public. Gutshof Güldenhof is the second extensive art-related project undertaken by Heim Balp Architekten, following their ongoing redevelopment of the early 20th-century Lindower Straße factory buildings in Berlin into a creative hub with artist studios; workshops; exhibition spaces; and apartments, to be completed in 2022.

Architects: Heim Balp Architekten
Area : 5000 m²
Year : 2021
Photographs :Francesca lóvene
Manufacturers : Hoppe, Duravit, Bau Mensch Natur, Bogner Metall GmbH, Historische Baustoffe Prenzel GbR, Neustrelitzer Metallbau GmbH, Velux, Windhager
Structural Engineering : Ingenieurbüro Mühler
Project Team : Pietro Balp, Michael Heim, Simone Martini, Claudia Große-Hartlage, Michael Cradock, Federica Carletto, Karolina Modzelewska, Jacopo Spinelli, Matteo Rossi, Valentina Vianello, Cristiana Lo Sterzo
Collaborator Artist : Danh Vo
Building Services : Oikotec Ingenieur*innen GmbH
City : Stechlin
Country : Germany