这个项目位于雅加达南部。我的大多数项目都是以适度的房子为概念,灵感来自Alvaro Siza。在这个特殊的项目中,我面临的挑战是在一块狭小的土地上以较低的预算建造一栋小房子。

This project is located in south Jakarta. The concept in most of my projects are modest house, was inspired by Alvaro Siza. In this particular project, I was challenged to build a tiny house in a tiny land with a low budget.


Despite its limited area (48 square meter), limited budget with many requirements, corner street location which narrow down the frontage by 2 meters setback and side area by 1,5 meter setback as per regulation, the house still needs a car port that reduce the area even more. A concrete 2 x 3.5 meter cantilever system is chosen to manage these conditions.


First floor area are for car port, combined living dining room, pantry and service area to overcome the limited space with more openings. While second floor are for private area. Master bedroom temporarily has 1 big size bed and 1 single bed for the children.


Due to meager budget, floors as well as first floor walls are finished with exposed cement. A sided sloping roof is decided to minimize the cost yet efficient. Inexpensive principal materials were also used. Principally, structure is formed for functional needs.

面积: 48 m²
摄影:Mario Wibowo
建筑师:Sontang M Siregar.
Architects: sontangMsiregar Architects
Area: 48 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Mario Wibowo
Architect In Charge:Sontang M Siregar
Design Team:sontangMsiregar Architects