
Discovered as a place which keeps the emotions of Korean housing style in alley to express modern commercial culture, this is a site where position of residents and that of those staying for a while are different, and it is too tight for cars and people to pass by. We wanted to suggest a space where people could look at the sky quietly in such an alley.

我们决定设计一个空间,让人们可以在这个首先接触到天空的地方享受 “无色的沉思”。

We decided to design a space where people could enjoy “colorless contemplation” at this site which touches the sky first.

在上三楼的那一刻,在反射的阳光下经历了几秒钟的安静之后,一个 “玻璃立方体 “形状的空间气势恢宏地坐落在那里。天花板、座椅和吧台内外相连,通过最大限度地简化垂直和水平线条,创造了一个让人专注于沉思的空间。

After a few seconds of silence experienced by the reflected sunlight at the moment going up the third floor, a space in the shape of a “glass cube” is located imposingly. Ceiling, seats, and bar counter connected inside and outside create the space which makes people concentrate on contemplation, by simplifying vertical and horizontal lines maximally.

Area: 95 m²
Year: 2021
Photographs: YongJoonChoi
Country:South Korea