Harmonia 1250预示着新一代的混合用途建筑,它提出了一个由商店、办公室和公寓组成的垂直项目,该建筑的设计是对房地产市场所实行的标准化简化的反应。

Foreshadowing a new generation of mixed-use buildings, Harmonia 1250 proposes a vertical program of stores, offices, and apartments in a building designed in reaction to the standardized simplification practiced by the real estate market.


Its irregularly shaped land, composed of several small pre-existing lots, inspired the creation of a building with two protruding ends joined by an elongated body that works like a walkway, connecting both sides to a central area with vertical circulation.

根据地形和海拔的特点,对建筑的基本元素进行了体积上的重新安排,产生了一个具有多种视角和方向的建筑,与土壤、植被和公共空间建立了流动和复杂的关系。因此,Harmonia 1250有不同的外观,这取决于从哪个角度看它。该建筑承载了一个由商店、办公室和住宅公寓组成的垂直项目,预示着圣保罗新一代的混合用途建筑。位于同名地址的Harmonia 1250,构成了繁华的Vila Madalena社区的天际线。

The volumetric rearrangement of essential elements of architecture, based on the specificities of the terrain and its altimetry, gave rise to a building with multiple views and orientations that establishes a fluid and intricate relationship with the soil, vegetation, and public spaces. As a result, Harmonia 1250 has different appearances, which vary depending on the point of view from which it is viewed. The building hosts a vertical program of stores, offices, and residential apartments that foreshadow a new generation of mixed-use buildings in São Paulo. Located at the address of the same name, the Harmonia 1250 composes the skyline of the bustling Vila Madalena neighborhood.


Its ground floor is visually permeable and behaves like an active façade crossed by several accesses. On all floors, the internal spaces extend to the outside in direct continuity, offering a view of the extraordinary urban panorama of the city.

它的办公室立面实际上是由金属光泽和植物层保护的露台,形成了一个覆盖和保护建筑的皮肤,同时保持它的 “透气性 “和向城市开放。放置在外墙的植物盆栽由一个综合滴水系统灌溉,旨在确保低水耗。准备用于住宅的上层有不同的材料,证明了混合项目的存在。

Its office façades are, in fact, terraces protected by metallic brise soleils and a vegetal layer, forming a skin that covers and protects the building while keeping it “breathable” and open to the city. The plant pots placed on the façades are irrigated by an integrated drip system, designed to ensure low water consumption. The upper floors, intended for residential use, have different materiality, evidencing the existence of a mixed program.

Architects: Triptyque
Area : 11173 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :Ricardo Bassetti
Manufacturers : Agrotexas, Constata, Dimagra, PWJ, Solepoxy, Stamp, TVITEC, Val Aço, thyssenkrupp
Structure : Wmordo Engenharia
Landscape Design : Rodrigo Oliveira Paisagismo
Construction : R.Yazbek
Architecture : Triptyque, Guillaume Sibaud, Carolina Bueno, Grégory Bousquet, Olivier Raffaelli
Design Team : Bianca Coelho, Beatriz Hipólito, Pedro de Mattos
Clients : Idea!Zarvos
City : São Paulo
Country : Brazil