我们的客户从他父亲那里接管了这栋2层楼的木制房屋,并委托我们进行装修。客户在他的小学时代就住在这所房子里,后来又租了很久。它是在社会和人口增长时期建造的,当时没有人想到会出现目前的社会问题,如人口下降导致的 “空置”。这座房子的设计是在有限的空间内提供尽可能多的私人房间。此外,设计是在他父亲的指导下由一名建筑师执行的,他父亲的强烈意图在房子里处处体现。每个房间都有不同的品味,有特别的细节和独特形状的窗户。积累这样强烈的意图或对房子的 “爱 “感觉有点太沉重了。为了减轻这种沉重感,我们删除了一些空间组件,整理了一些具有共同特征的组件,并创造了一种整体感–这是一种新的 “爱 “的形式–我们打算在这所房子里呈现。

Our client took over this 2-story wooden house from his father and commissioned us to work on the renovation. The client lived in this house during his elementary school days, and it had been rented for a long time afterwards. It was built during the time of social and population growth when nobody imagined current social issues such as “vacancy” resulted from population decline would arise. The house was designed to provide as many private rooms as possible within the limited space. In addition, the design was executed by an architect under his father’s directions, and his father’s strong intentions were reflected all over the house. Each room had a different taste, with particular details and uniquely shaped windows. Accumulation of such strong intentions or “love” for the house felt a bit too heavy. In order to alleviate such heaviness, we removed some of spacial components, sorted out some components with common characters, and created a sense of integrity- which is a new form of “love” – we intend to present in this house.

由于预算有限,我们无法修改现有的窗户。 相反,我们将每个独特的窗户用内墙框起来,像一件艺术品一样重新配置它。我们在二楼房间的地板上打孔,创造出一个 “空隙”,连接所有被关在门后的房间。这个 “空隙 “在一楼、夹层和二楼之间起到了中介作用,重新配置了整个房屋的空间关系。空隙 “也作为一个光井,通过南墙的开口分配自然光。

We could not modify the existing windows, due to the limited budget. Instead we framed each unique window with an interior wall, re-configuring it like a piece of artwork. And we punched out a floor of a second floor room to create a “void” connecting all rooms which had been separated behind closed doors. The “void” mediates between the first floor, the mezzanine, and the second floor, re-configuring spatial relationships throughout the house. The “void” also functions as a light well distributing the natural light through openings on the south wall.

Architects: Schemata Architects
Area: 116 m²
Year: 2015
photographs: Kenta Hasegawa