
One of the recurring questions, when we design narrowed tube houses in the urban context, is: How to create spaces that facilitate interactions and communications between family members?

为了实现这一目标,在房屋内创造和加强空隙是很重要和必要的,但总是会有 “冲突”。 特别是在HH之家,三代人生活在一起,尽管年龄有差距,每个家庭成员的特殊习惯导致了对个人和私人空间–固体空间的需求。这些封闭的空间占据了房屋体积的很大一部分,同时减少了家庭成员的互动。

In order to achieve it, creating and enhancing voids within the house is important and necessary, but there are always “conflicts”. Particularly in HH House, 3 generations live together despite the gap in age and the peculiar habits of each family member that result in the need for personal and private spaces – solid spaces. Those enclosed spaces take up a significantly large part of the house’s volume while reducing the interaction of family members.


The structure of HH House is formed by continuously changing the level of the floors. This act helps the flow of the spaces to be continuous while forming open spaces which arouse connectivity in both private and communal spaces.


Communal spaces are positioned in the center of the house vertically and surrounded by private rooms following the distance policy; the closest distance to the communal space is prioritized to the grandfather’s room, followed by the parent’s room and the children’s room.

在私人和公共空间之间是缓冲区。它不仅增强了房子里的小气候,而且还模糊了私人和公共空间的边界。因此,每个人都可以为自己选择 “自己的个人天空”,同时仍有机会通过眼神、手势或声音向对方发出信号和联系。在这个屋顶下,在房子的每个角落,他们都可以轻松地打电话。”下来吧,晚餐已经准备好了 “或 “现在是茶点时间!”

In-between private and communal spaces are buffer zones. It not only enhances the micro-climate in the house but also blurs the border between private and communal spaces. As a result, everyone can choose for themselves “their own personal sky” while still having a chance to signal and connect to one another through glances, gestures, or sounds. Under this roof, at every corner of the house, they can easily call: “Come down, dinner is ready to serve” or “It’s teatime!”

Architects: Flat6 architects, aestudiooo
Area : 280 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :Trieu Chien
Manufacturers : INAX, Rangdong
Country : Vietnam