Hikari实验室 “项目位于以色列Benei Atarot的一个保护性建筑中,这个定居点在一个罕见的、令人着迷的圣殿建筑中包含了120年的历史。在曾经的家庭谷仓里,一个具有多功能的概念大厅被编织出来。

The “Hikari Laboratories” project is located in a conservation building in Benei Atarot, a settlement in Israel that contains 120 years of history in a rare and mesmerizing Templar construction. Into what used to be a family barn, a concept hall was weaved with multi-use functions.


Back in the introduction and initial planning phase, the owners of the Innovative cosmetics company Hikari, presented the importance of finding solutions for all the variety of uses that the space will serve the company in the future. Such as guidance for beauticians, a meeting room for staff, diverse seating areas and entertainment, a CEO room with access to space control, a guest restroom, and a kitchenette.

我们的设计理念符合 “Hikari实验室 “公司的一系列价值观–天然材料和创新与多样化技术的结合。这些价值观是建立设计概念的指导线。以及强调永恒的美学作为各个层面的共同基石。如对裸露的石头圣殿结构的历史方面的结合和保护。新与旧的结合体现在根据原始建筑外壳设计的开口,以延续根植于结构中的历史。

Our design concept met the set of values of the “Hikari Laboratories” company – the combination of natural materials and innovation with diverse technologies. These values were the guiding line for building the design concept. As well as the emphasis on timeless aesthetics as a common cornerstone in various layers. Such as the combination and preservation of the historical aspects of the exposed stone Templar structure. The integration of the old and new is reflected in the design of the openings in accordance with the original building casing, to perpetuate the history rooted in the structure.


This concept is delivered by the selection and use of natural materials with a present aesthetic such as stone, iron, and a luxurious marble floor, while always thinking about a design that does not depend on passing trends. Also, countless diverse technologies have been incorporated into functional and aesthetic solutions that adapt themselves to the existing structure and the challenges it entails.

设计细节–在内部开口的周围,有白色的石膏和混凝土铸件,以加强建筑的对称性,达到高度的准确性。木工设计结合了各种材料和照明方案,在共享空间中创造了一个独特而愉快的展示。空调机上覆盖着数控切割的金属嵌件,装配着公司的标志,以便不破坏美感。小厨房用薄薄的石头表面覆盖,融入了铁锈纹理,与加强结构的梁柱沟通。会议室和治疗室是用口琴运动的玻璃门系统封闭的,以便允许模块化和不费吹灰之力地改变功能用途。同样地,家具的选择也是不折不扣的。Hikari实验室 “的移动家具是通过个人进口直接从意大利的主要商店订购的。在客户和 “Tzvia Kazayoff办公室 “的热烈讨论中,选择了各种独特的物品来服务和完善概念。

Design details – Around the internal openings, there are white plaster and concrete castings to strengthen the symmetry of the building for height accuracy. The carpentry design combines various materials and a lighting solution that create a unique and pleasant display in the shared space. The air conditioning units were covered with CNC-cut metal inserts assembling the company logo, so as not to damage the aesthetics. The kitchenette is covered with thin stone surfaces that incorporate a rust texture to communicate with the beams that strengthen the structure. The meeting and treatment room is closed with a harmonica movement glass door system in order to allow modularity and change of functional purpose without effort. Likewise, the choice of furniture was made without compromise. The mobile furniture of “Hikari Laboratories” was ordered by personal import directly from the leading stores in Italy. During a lively discussion between the customers and the “Tzvia Kazayoff Office,” a variety of unique items were selected that serve and refined the concept.


The combination of the ancient in the historic building combined with the classic furniture and the novel cosmetic products made with the most advanced and modern technology brings us to a unique space that gives new meaning to the concept of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

Architects: Tzvia Kazayoff
Area : 180 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Amit Geron
Manufacturers : Avney Tal, B&B Italia, Baxter, Cassina, Exclusive, Gakotti & Radice, Maxalato, PENTA Light, Slate-Lite
Landscape Architect : Haim Cohen
Lead Designer : Tzvia Kazayoff
Designer And Project Manager : Zlil Gani
Video By : Daniel Tzairi
Exterior Architects : Giyora Solar
City : Bnei Atarot
Country : Israel