由ORTRAUM建筑师设计的 “12 “项目位于芬兰赫尔辛基郊区半岛的Jollas边缘。这个72平方米的两层艺术家工作室被规划为对现有的建于1960年代的150平方米住宅的补充。楼下是陶艺工作室,楼上是音乐创作室。

The project ‘12’ by ORTRAUM architects is located on the edge of Jollas, a suburban peninsula in Helsinki, Finland. The 72m2 two story artist studio was planned as an addition to an existing 150m2 home built in the 1960s. The downstairs features a ceramics studio, the upstairs a music composing studio.


The main entrance is located on the courtyard garden side, facing the existing home, sheltered by the cantilevered second floor volume. The ceramics studio is placed on the ground floor, with its large glass doors opening towards the same direction. A modest sized bathroom is accessed from the workshop, located below the stair to the second floor.

楼上的房间有一个不规则的形状,最大限度地增加了空气量,并避免了平行墙,以产生作曲家的音乐工作室所需的声学特性。从这里,两扇大窗户向东边的森林和西边的小阳台下的花园敞开。 叠加体量的游戏反映了两种建筑功能,并创造了一个动态的雕塑建筑,从每个方向都显示出不同的特征。

The upstairs room has an irregular shape, maximizing the air volume, and avoiding parallel walls to generate the desired acoustical properties for the composer’s music studio. From here two large windows open towards the forest in the east and towards the garden under a small balcony in the west. The play with stacked volumes reflects the two building functions, and creates a dynamic sculptural architecture, revealing a different character from each direction.

该建筑是在一天之内安装在一个旧车库的现有混凝土基础之上的。 整个结构由280毫米厚的大块CLT建成,内部和外部完全暴露,所有的技术装置都完全集成,甚至包括音乐工作室的声音扩散器。元件连接细节的开发,使结构得到了充分的气候保护,并使其顺利组装。

The building was installed within one day on top of the existing concrete foundation of an old garage. The entire structure is built from 280mm thick massive CLT, exposed fully on the interior and exterior, with all technical installations fuly integrated, even the sound diffusers for the music studio. The element joint details were developed so that the structures are fully climate protected, and to enable a smooth assembly.

Architects: ORTRAUM
Area: 72 m²
Year: 2020
Photographs: Marc Goodwin
Manufacturers: KLH, Robert McNeel & Associates
Lead Architects: Martin Lukasczyk
Engineering: ORTRAUM architects
Collaborators:KLH Massivholz GmbH, Emmahus Oy Ab