
This is a house located on the outskirts of the historic center of the city of La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. A growing periphery, with a high level of disorder, a context of chaos where some closed urbanization schemes have been flourishing, creating a complicated relationship with its mother environment. The assignment consisted of the construction of a two-bedroom single-family house, where different family conformations of four people can develop their lives.

让我们有可能在这个矛盾的城市环境中工作的优势之一,是可以有三个自由的面孔,并从市政线和中轴线退出,这创造了一个友好的氛围。同时,在这第一个委托之后,又有两个委托,这就是为什么围绕着相对自由周边的城市周边住房开辟了一条实验之路,在同一门控社区内同时进行三个案例的工作,Mitre 1、Mitre 2和Mitre 3系列的房屋采取类似的方案,有不同的一方,这些方案是根据对环境条件、方向和规模的理解塑造的。

One of the advantages that gave us the possibility of working in this contradictory urban context, was the possibility of having three free faces and withdrawals from both the municipal line and the median axis, which created a friendly atmosphere. At the same time, this first commission was followed by two more, which is why a path of experimentation was opened around the peri-urban housing of relatively free perimeter, working in three simultaneous cases within the same gated community, the series of houses mitre 1, mitre 2 and mitre 3, were taking similar programs, with different parties that were molded from the understanding of the conditions of the environment, orientation and scale.


We thought of an archetypal architectural morphological element, which refers to the historical form of the home. From it, to retrace a path of material and volumetric experimentation that generates living spaces.

在 “实心箱”–Mitre 1的案例中,这种实验是通过创造两个普通砖的实心箱而产生的,这两个实心箱在其重叠的决心、通道、庭院和方向上。我们对材料所允许的不同处置和障碍进行了实验,以赋予这套建筑以奇特性。

In the case of Solid Boxes – Mitre 1, this experimentation was generated from the creation of two solid boxes of common brick, which in their overlapping resolve, access, courtyards, and orientations. There was an experimentation of different dispositions and obstacles that the material allowed us, to give the set singularity.

Architects: Paralelo Colectivo
Area : 1615 ft²
Year : 2019
Photographs :Luis Barandiarán
Manufacturers : ACINDAR, Aluar, Dimexo, Ternium
Lead Architects : Rodrigo Ballina Benites, Valentín Ayala, Luciano Del Valle
City : La Plata
Country : Argentina