2020年,随着COVID-19的肆虐,远程工作已被半强制安装,这是日本非常创新的生活方式,人们认为更多的人会考虑离开人口稠密的地区,如东京市中心和千叶市,到郊区或更多的农村地区生活。为了应对电晕危机造成的紧急状况,千叶县市原市成立了 “市原生活和工作委员会”,这是一个公私合营的机构,接受那些想搬到satoyama地区的人,同时采取措施防止感染。

In 2020, with COVID-19 raging, the remote work has been installed semi compulsorily, a very innovative lifestyle for Japan, it was thought that more people would consider leaving densely populated areas such as central Tokyo and Chiba City to live in the suburbs or more rural areas. In response to the emergency situation caused by the corona crisis, Ichihara City in Chiba Prefecture established “the Ichihara Life and Work Commission”, a public-private partnership to accept people who wanted to move to the satoyama area, while at the same time taking measures to prevent infection.

高桥洋介(Yosuke Takahashi)在科罗娜灾难发生之前,一直作为地区发展合作志愿者的成员在市原市南部的加茂地区工作,他正在从事一项名为 “Kaitakusha “的业务,将加茂地区的空置房屋打开并出租,作为合作志愿者的一个退出项目。Kaitakusha将负责处理个人移民,作为生活和工作委员会的一部分,计划使用Yorokeikoku车站后面的空置房屋来发展一个业务基地。

Yosuke Takahashi, who had been working as a member of the Regional Development Cooperation Volunteers in the Kamo area of southern Ichihara City before the Corona disaster, was working on a business called “Kaitakusha” that opens vacant houses in the Kamo area and rents them out as an exit project for the Cooperation Volunteers. The Kaitakusha was to be in charge of handling individual immigration as part of the Life and Work Commission, and the plan was to use a vacant house behind Yorokeikoku Station to develop a base of operations.


The main house was a very attractive building, but due to the budget, the construction work, and the difficulty of design and construction, it was decided to use only the detached house.


The design was based on Kaitakusha’s concept, “Light on Vacant Houses,” and was guided by the idea of lightening up on things like vacant houses that are unnecessary to the owners and locals, but attractive to outsiders, and connecting them to the next generation.

首先,”Chonan house”,一个用新的建筑材料为长子建造的房子,旁边是一个华丽的传统木制结构的独立屋,被选中的房子是一个象征,象征着主人和外人之间的价值差异,他们通常把价值放在那而不是老房子上,尽管老房子的气氛被破坏了,价值也被降低了。因此,我们想,我们是否可以发挥 “中南屋 “的潜力,那里有农村的普通生活。

First of all, the “Chonan house,” a house for the eldest son made of new construction materials next to a magnificent traditional wooden structure like a detached house that was chosen, is a symbol of the difference in values between the owner and outsiders, who usually place value on that rather than the old house, although the atmosphere of the old house is destroyed and its value is reduced. Therefore, we wondered if we could bring out the potential of the “Chonan House,” where there was ordinary life in the countryside.


First of all, we decided to remove all the non-stractural walls dividing the interior space, because the conventional wooden structure makes it easy to plan the structure and to reinforce it. Then, there was a high shed frame that had been built to full material standards and hidden in the ceiling, and the foundation was made of concrete blocks. The foundation would have to be reinforced, but there was no budget for towing the house, so we decided to partially place the foundation while retaining the upper framework. By digging a little extra earth at this time, a space of two layers was secured, and the space was reconfigured into a step floor space with minimal pressure on the surrounding area with little change to the external form.


By creating a large window on the north face of the second floor level, we created an office space where people can work while looking at the scenery of a beautiful valley village, which had not been seen before.


The soil dug for the foundation was used as the finishing for the counter top panel of the Otsu polishing by the plasterer Tokura’s technique, and the bricks created in the workshop were used as the tiling for the reception counter.


For the interior and exterior, oak, mountain cherry, small oak, and magnolia trees were cut and milled from hardwoods that were no longer used and had become large trees in the hills behind the village.


The spacious one-room space is not only for young people, prospective immigrants, and other outsiders, but also for local people who are on good relationship with the Kaikyakusha, who frequently come the house.

Architects: kurosawa kawara-ten
Area : 85 m²
Year : 2021
Photographs :Masato Chiba
Architect : Suzuna Mikurino, Atsushi Ikeda
City : Ichihara, Chiba, Japan
Country : Japan