IHI拥有160多年的历史,是日本领先的重工业企业集团。为了迅速应对社会和客户复杂多变的需求,IHI需要建立一个 “基地”,利用其先进的技术能力与合作伙伴一起开发新业务。

With a history spanning over 160 years, IHI is Japan’s leading heavy industry conglomerate. In order to respond quickly to the complex, changing needs of society and its customers, IHI needed to create a “base” for developing new businesses with its partners by utilizing its advanced technological capabilities.


Planning started with finding IHI’s uniqueness. Much of the planning period was spent in dialogues with IHI’s people, and included close observation of engineers’ daily activities, interviews with all executives, fieldwork at similar facilities, and a wide range of workshops, in order to identify specific issues and set clear goals. Various functions, characteristics and environments required for the project were identified as a result.

该设施需要各种元素。一个14米x75米的水平地板形状被利用来配合创新过程,而 “分层 “的计划格式允许空间的不同功能以并排的方式排列。安排了连接公司内外人员和信息的公共空间,以及供初创团队和个人研究人员沉浸的私人空间。通过这种方式,创建了一个系统来加速项目的进行。

A variety of elements were required for the facility. A 14m x 75m horizontal floor shape was utilized to match the innovation process, while a “layered” plan format allowed different functions of the space to be arranged in a side-by-side fashion. Public spaces for connecting people and information within and outside the company were arranged, as were private spaces for start-up teams and individual researchers to immerse themselves. In this way, a system was created to accelerate project pursuits.

接下来,整个空间被特意留出了细节,以便日后 “叠加”。这意味着地板、墙壁、天花板、标牌、底层和上层都留下了 “粗糙 “的饰面。与其说是一个不乱的、防污的、单一用途的设施,不如说是一个可以毫不犹豫地使用的空间,很像一个个人花园,随时可以根据自己的喜好进行安排,以发展新的想法。

Next, the entire space was purposely left undetailed for later “overlay.” This meant that floors, walls, ceilings, signage, base coat and overcoat were left with “rough” finishes. Rather than an uncluttered, stain-resistant, single-use format facility, space was designed to be plied unhesitatingly, much like a personal garden, ready for arranging to one’s liking to develop new ideas.

通过将全尺寸的制造业产品(如H型钢)纳入空间,创造了一个微型的 “日常场景”,以使工匠的头脑更容易发现新的观点。此外,尽管该设施在技术上是一个室内设计,但它被认为是一个外部空间;由于建筑和土木工程的比例,一个像公园或城市一样的开放环境形成了,并远远超过了传统的室内比例。IHI创新中心的空间设计确保注意和发现的常规行为成为创新的起点。

By incorporating full-scale manufacturing industry products such as H-beams into space, a miniature “everyday scene” was created to make it easier, to the craftsman’s mind, to discover new perspectives. In addition, although the facility is technically an interior design, it is considered an exterior space; thanks to architectural and civil engineering scales, an open environment like a park or city takes shape and goes far beyond the conventional interior scale. The IHI Innovation Center’s space design ensures that the routine acts of noticing and discovering become starting points for innovation.

Architects: Nikken Sekkei
Area: 1243 m²
Year: 2019
Photographs: Nacasa & Partners
Construction: Nomura Co.Ltd
Client:IHI Corporation
Schematic Design:Nikken Sekkei
Design Development:Nikken Sekkei