在拉丁美洲最独特的地点之一的中心,一个前所未有的艺术画廊项目正在展示一个著名的国际艺术家的名册,并举办突破性的当代艺术展览。IK LAB为图卢姆不断扩大的当地社区和国际游客提供前所未有的沉浸式文化体验,培养他们的创造力、意识和视野。

A New, Eco-Conscious Gallery Brings Fine Art to Tulum
In the heart of one of the most exclusive locations in Latin America, an unprecedented art gallery project is showcasing a roster of prominent international artists and hosting breakthrough contemporary art exhibitions. IK LAB develops unprecedented immersive cultural experiences for Tulum’s expanding local community and international visitors fostering creativity, awareness, and vision.

通过其环保意识的设计、定制的艺术家圈子和前卫的驻留计划,IK LAB希望为世界上最优秀的创意头脑提供一个框架,让他们与画廊的远见建筑互动。它抓住了尤卡坦半岛丰富的自然和丰富的精神遗产的精髓,并将其投射到新的未来,作为社区的灵感和模式。

Through its environmentally conscious design, a bespoke circle of artists and avant-garde residency program, IK LAB aspires to provide a framework for the world’s finest creative minds to interact with the gallery’s visionary architecture. It captures the quintessence of the Yucatan peninsula’s abundant nature and rich spiritual heritage to project it into a new future as an inspiration and model for communities beyond.


The savvy combination of ancestral knowledge, technological innovation, applied sustainability, lived spirituality and collective experiences will culminate in new ways of creating and experiencing art as a token of the potential of human evolution and vision.


To understand the singular nature of the Yucatán Peninsula – the 73,600 square mile land mass separating the Caribbean Sea from the Gulf of Mexico – one must go back 65 million years, to the end of the Cretaceous Period. It was then that geologists say a asteroid roughly six miles wide barreled out of deep space and hit the northern coast of the Yucatán with a force ten billion times stronger than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

图卢姆和尤卡坦州通常被称为 “漩涡”–世界上高度带电的点之一,事实上,大量不可思议的能量撞击后从这个地方散发出来。其反响改变了地球上的生命进程,并影响了数百万年后的文明发展和繁荣。今天,我们这些现代人来到图卢姆,感受这片土地上固有的强烈的自然节奏,并继续对一个具有如此巨大力量和美丽的地方的崇拜需求的循环。

Tulum and the Yucatán are often referred to as a “vortex”– one of the world’s highly charged points – and in fact an incredible amount of energy hit and then emanated from this place. The repercussions changed the course of life on Earth and affected the civilizations that would develop and flourish millions of years later. Today modern people, us, travel to Tulum to feel the intense rhythms of nature inherent in this land and continue the cycle of worship demand- ed by a place of such tremendous power and beauty.


To access the dome. the visitor has to cross a mystical river in the jungle and walk on water. The entrance acts as a vortex, a curved tunnel with an unknown destination.


The walk until the entrance requieres a sense of balance and agility. Going from the gallery to the Dome is a journey. The visitor is surrounded by the sound of natural waterfall. This rain will later become a rain of metal.


Visitors are elevated into another dimension as they enter through IK Labs’s wooden and glass doors, reaching 4
meters tall. Visually, the perspective and the uncanny scale of the space create a sense of vast infinity while it’s curves
foster warmth and protection.

赤脚,参观者被邀请与地板作为一个活的有机体进行互动。当人们从冷酷光滑的抛光水泥地板过渡到温暖原始的 “Bejuco “木地板时,会有一种惊喜的元素。所有的外部声音都被静音,而内部的台阶则会产生回响,放大了空间的超现实层面。

Barefoot, the visitor is invited to interact with the floor as a living organism. There is an element of surprise as one transitions from the contrasting cool and smooth polished cement to the warm and raw “Bejuco” wooden floors. All external sound is muted while internal steps reverberate and echo, amplifying the surreal dimensions of the space.


Massive and geometric domes are magically illuminated by 2 round windows, or portals, to the surrounding jungle and sky.
This majestic space redefines the white-cube, gallery-visiting experience, as it fortifies the organic relationship
between art and its physical environment surroundings. The structure hints at invisible dimensions as the mind is sent to wander across for an unforgettable journey. Human made, this visionary project is a tribute to our soil but also a gentle reminder that humans are only nature made.

画廊总监:Santiago Rumney Guggenheim
Architects: Roth-Architecture
Year: 2018
Gallery Director:Santiago Rumney Guggenheim