在墨西哥城Roma Norte街区,坐落着“ IMA工作室 ”,这是一个极简空间,位于文化场所,陈列室和设计工作室之间的交叉处,位于现代化公寓的私密环境中。
Bettina Kiehnle Garza创立了“ Studio IMA”(意为“在我的公寓里”),他与展出的设计作品并存。她说:“我们的主要目标是发现,展示和推广由本地和国际艺术家和设计师创作的高品质家具,装饰物品和艺术品。” 朴素而优雅的空间配有泥土色调的调色板,并容纳陶瓷,家具和艺术品,以及跳蚤市场的藏品和工作室收藏的物品。“在Studio IMA,作品的选择非常直观;但是审美的简单性和敏感性是我们的定义原则。”加尔萨说。该工作室还为创意和美学发展以及完整的室内设计服务提供指导,营造一种私密而精简的氛围,融合了创造力和沉稳感。

In Mexico City’s Roma Norte neighborhood sits ‘Studio IMA’, a small space that exists as a cross between a cultural venue, showroom, and design studio, located in the intimate setting of a modernist apartment.
‘Studio IMA’, which stands for ‘in my apartment’, was founded by Bettina Kiehnle Garza, who lives right alongside the design pieces on display. “Our main goal is to discover, represent and promote high-quality furniture, décor objects, and art created by both local and international artists and designers,” she says. The austere but elegant space features an earthy-toned color palette, and houses ceramics, furniture, and art, along with flea-market finds and objects that are part of the studio’s collection. “At Studio IMA, the selection of works is intuitive; but aesthetic simplicity and sensitivity are our defining principles,” says Garza. The studio also offers guidance in creative and aesthetic development as well as complete interior design services, in an intimate and pared-back setting that is infused with creativity and calm.

Studio IMA
Orizaba 42, Roma Nte.
Cuauhtémoc, 06700
Mexico City, Mexico
By appointment
Mon – Fri: 10:00 – 18:00