这座100平方米的Loft带有结构和明显的装置,位于圣保罗莫伦比的高贵社区。虽然在20世纪70年代纽约棚屋改造成住房的美学吸引力是男性观众解释他们对这种风格的财产的渴望的主要理由,但Diego Revollo对这种剧目和他的投资组合中的一些其他阁楼很了解,他知道这种情况优先考虑良好的材料和功能。

This 100 m2 Loft with structure and apparent installations is located in the noble neighborhood of Morumbi, in São Paulo. Although the aesthetic appeal of New York sheds converted into housing in the 1970s is the main justification for the male audience in explaining their desire for this style of property, Diego Revollo, who is knowledgeable about this repertoire and with some other lofts in his portfolio, knows that this profile prioritizes good materials and functionality.

由建筑商移交的几乎没有墙壁和已经与夹层,公寓不需要一个伟大的改造,除了浴室,减少和收到黑色涂层(地板,墙壁和天花板)在烧焦的水泥碳。Diego Revollo投资于优雅的饰面和原始的解决方案来适应空间。在底层有一个大的整合,但从厨房取消了L形的长椅,并将其换成餐桌,已经消除了任何形式的障碍。

Handed by the builder almost without walls and already with the mezzanine, the apartment did not need a great remodel, except for the bathroom that was reduced and received black coating (floor, walls, and ceiling) in burnt cement carbon. Diego Revollo invested in elegant finishes and original solutions to adapt the spaces. There was a big integration in the ground floor, but eliminating the L-shaped bench from the kitchen and swapping it out for a dinner table has removed any kind of barrier.

设计成一个大盒子的社交区域的天花板和墙壁都刷上了灰色的烧制水泥,突出了黑色的金属骨架和明显的电线管,因为在这种类型的解决方案中,掩盖结构、覆盖横梁或放置衬里是不好的,建筑师说。阁楼的装饰是支持性的,Diego Revollo解释说。

Designed as a large box the social area had ceilings and walls brushed with gray burnt cement, highlighting the black metallic skeleton and the apparent electrical pipe, since in this type of solution it is not good to mask the structure, cover beams or put linings, says the architect. The decoration of the loft was supportive, explains Diego Revollo.

为了温暖本质上的黑暗调色板和打破清醒,tauari木材覆盖整个地板和垫子和对象带来的颜色。房间的主要亮点是Diego Revollo设计的电视架,像一堆箱子,让你可以看到背景墙的纹理。 圣保罗这间阁楼精心安排的色调,突出了工业氛围。

To warm the essentially dark palette and break sobriety, the tauari wood covers the entire floor and mats and objects bring color to it. The main attraction of the room, the TV shelf designed by Diego Revollo, resembles a pile of crates and allows you to see the texture of the wall in the background. The well-orchestrated tones of this loft in São Paulo highlight the industrial atmosphere.

建筑师:Diego Revollo Arquitetura
面积: 100 m²
摄影:Alain Brugier
制造商:Artefacto, Botteh, Marcenaria Inovart, Vermeil
Architects: Diego Revollo Arquitetura
Area: 100 m²
Year: 2016
Photographs: Alain Brugier
Manufacturers: Artefacto, Botteh, Marcenaria Inovart, Vermeil
Country: Brazil