这是建在湖里的建筑。 但话说回来,如果建筑被定义为 “支持人类生活 “的东西,这就不是建筑,因为这个地方支持的只是 “在那里度过的时间”。

This is architecture built in a lake. But then again, if architecture is defined as something “to support the human life” this is not architecture, as what this place supports is just the “the time spent there.”

通道–游客通过一条宽0.6米、总长27米的通道前往走廊,有些人慢慢地走,走成一条直线,有些人偶尔回头看看,确认他们走过的路。 顺便提一下,在我们的日常生活中,我们有多少次会好好看看我们正在走的路,或者静静地反思我们最近的过去? 当缩短到达目的地的时间在当代社会变得很重要时,这个空间恰恰相反。 这个空间的设计是为了鼓励人们重新思考运动的意义和行走的时间。

Passage – Visitors head for the Corridor via a 0.6 m-wide, total 27 m-long passage, some taking their time and walking in a straight line, others occasionally looking back to confirm the path they have taken. Incidentally, in our everyday lives, how often do we take a good look at the paths we are taking, or quietly reflect on our recent past? As shortening access to destinations becomes important in contemporary society, this space is just the opposite. This space is designed to encourage people to think again about the meaning of movement and the time spent walking.

走廊 – 走廊是一个宽3.6米、长4.5米、高2米的倾斜空间。 走廊的水中间由上百个我原创的、形状独特的 “镜面睡莲 “物体组成,漂亮地排列在地上。每朵百合花的直径为200毫米,高度为200毫米。它将一块1毫米的铁板焊接在一根直径为6毫米的钢棒上。 因此,游客只能看到 “水的颜色 “和 “太阳光线和反射”。水和太阳,这是一个可以花时间观察和感知对我们生活至关重要的两个元素的地方。 或者更准确地说,它是 “一个明显的空间,充满了我们认为理所当然的水和太阳”。 走廊的感觉随着天气和时间的变化而变化,就像在我们的日常生活中不断重复一样。

Corridor – The Corridor is a 3.6 m-wide, 4.5 m-length, 2 m-high angled space. The water middle of the Corridor consists of hundred of my original and uniquely shaped “Mirror Water Lily” objects arranged beautifully on the floor. Each lily is 200mm in diameter and 200mm in height. It welded a 1mm iron plate to a steel rod, which is 6mm in diameter. As a result, visitors can only see the “color of the water” and “sun rays and reflections”. Water and Sun, this is a places to take time to look at and sense two elements vital for our lives. Or more accurately, it is “an obvious space filled with just the water and sun we take for granted.” The feel of the Corridor changes according to the weather and time of day, as is constantly repeated in our everyday lives.

这是一个漂浮在湖中心上方的装置艺术作品。 但话说回来,如果艺术被定义为 “引导人们非凡 “的东西,这就不是艺术,因为我们被引导的地方只是 “一直围绕着我们的世界=无限的风景”。

This is an installation art work that floats above the center of a lake. But then again, if art is defined as something that “guides people extraordinary,” this is not art, as where we are being led is just “the world that surrounds us all the time =Infinite Landscape.”

Architects: Ryo Yamada
Area : 28 m²
Year : 2022
Photographs :Ryo Yamada
Lead Architect : Ryo Yamada
City : Sapporo
Country : Japan