Infinity Wellbeing是Space Popular在曼谷Sukhumvit地区设计的一个新的日间水疗中心。该水疗中心还推出了Space Popular的最新家具系列–The Second Collection。Infinity Wellbeing是Space Popular在曼谷为Infinity设计的第二个日间水疗中心。

Infinity Wellbeing is a new day spa in Bangkok’s Sukhumvit area designed by Space Popular. The spa also launches Space Popular’s latest furniture collection – The Second Collection. Infinity Wellbeing is the second day spa designed by Space Popular in Bangkok for Infinity.

在摩天大楼、熙熙攘攘的交通和街头小贩的包围下,由Space Popular设计的Infinity Wellbeing是城市中的一个小岛。它位于曼谷现代商业中心苏克哈姆维特路附近,从繁忙的街道直接进入,穿过一个宽敞的热带花园。它与城市建立了一个多孔的绿色纽带,邀请路人和当地的街猫在被龙树和口红棕榈树包围的伞下休息。

Surrounded by skyscrapers, bustling traffic, and street food vendors Infinity Wellbeing designed by Space Popular is an island within the city. Located just off Sukhumvit Road, Bangkok’s modern commercial center, space is accessed directly from a busy street through a generous tropical garden. It creates a porous green bond with the city, inviting both passersby and local street cats to rest under an umbrella surrounded by dragon trees and lipstick palms.

曼谷是在稻田及其运河系统的线性足迹上有机地构建起来的,它曾经主导了这个大都市。像素坤逸这样的 “Thanon”(主干道)–从首都一直延伸到柬埔寨海岸的近500公里,有数百条 “Sois”(小街),就像Infinity Wellbeing所在的街道。Soi的线性和曼谷是世界上第四个最温暖的首都这一事实,在街道和建筑之间创造了一种独特的关系,在街道和大多数室内空间之间有一个突然的门户式过渡。

Bangkok is organically structured on the linear footprint of rice fields and their canal systems, which once dominated the metropolis. A “Thanon” (major road) like Sukhumvit -which runs nearly 500 kilometers from the capital all the way to the Cambodian coast has hundreds of “Sois” (side streets) just like the one Infinity Wellbeing is on. The linearity of the Soi and the fact that Bangkok is the fourth warmest capital in the world has created a unique relationship between streets and buildings, an abrupt portal-like transition between the street and most interiors.


Through the leaves of the garden, the spa is in strong contrast to the street with its often chaotic collage of sounds and sights. Inside, materials are smooth, joints are precise, and space is deep. The arrival space which overlooks the garden introduces a calming palette dominated by white and pale green with elements of copper.

大厅里的家具都是Space Popular的最新系列,包括一张休闲椅、一张酒吧凳、一张带内置腿托的躺椅、一张边桌和一张咖啡桌。该系列的所有作品都是由薄荷绿的厚金属管和浅石油蓝的软垫构成。它们共同构建了一个空间的身份,同时以不同的形式提供舒适。

The furniture in the lobby is all part of Space Popular’s latest collection, which features a lounge chair, a bar stool, a reclining chair with built in legrest, a side table, and a coffee table. All the pieces in the series are structured by mint green thick metal tubes combined with light petroleum blue upholstery. Together they construct an identity for space while providing comfort in different forms.


Throughout all spaces tailor-made materials and objects are combined in delicate ways with affordable, off-the-shelf materials such as packaging foam, a contrast often seen throughout Bangkok, which despite its abundance of luxury and shine manages to maintain its agility and inventiveness through its market and street food culture.

抵达空间有中央接待空间和五个不同的座位区,连接到三种不同类型的治疗室。套房。面向花园,是双人间,通过对比的材料结构成不同的区域:带有蒸汽淋浴和厕所的湿区用淡粉色水磨石和纹理石膏表面处理,而按摩和休息区是深蓝色,墙壁上有隔音板,天花板上有包装泡沫网格。. 一个不面向花园的套房是它自己的独立世界。这个房间有一个有纹理的石膏Ziggurat天花板和一个沙子色调的调色板,创造了一种户外的感觉,即使它被埋在上面数百层的塔楼下。单人房是最明亮的,在其中,背光窗帘和泡沫的使用弥补了其较小的面积。走廊由涂有两种不同颜色的木翅覆盖,在到达和离开时暴露出不同的色调。

The arrival space with its central reception space and five distinct seating areas connects to three different types of the treatment room. The suites. facing the garden, are double rooms structured into different areas through contrasting material: the wet area with steam shower and toilet is treated with pale pink terrazzo and textured plaster surfaces, while the massage and lounge areas are dark blue with acoustic panelling on the walls and a grid of packaging foam on the ceiling. . The one suite that does not face the garden is its own separate world. With a textured plaster ziggurat ceiling and a sand tone palette, this room creates a sense of the outdoors even if it is buried under the hundreds of floors of the tower above. The single rooms are the brightest and in them, the use of backlit curtains and foam compensate for their smaller size. The corridors are clad in wooden finns painted in two different colours, exposing a different tone on arrival and departure.

室内的所有元素:饰面、家具、物品、植物;都是为治疗的顺序和节奏服务和构建的,创造了一个从开始到结束的全方位的体验。Infinity Wellbeing by Space Popular于2020年1月开业,在按照曼谷的Covid响应法规关闭数月后,最近重新开业。

All elements of the interior: finishes, furniture, objects, plants; both serve and structure the sequence and pace of the treatment, creating an all-encompassing experience from start to finish. Infinity Wellbeing by Space Popular opened in January 2020 and, after closure for several months following Bangkok’s Covid response regulations, it recently reopened.

Architects: Space Popular
Area : 500 m²
Year : 2020
Photographs :Wison Tungthunya