J. MAYER H.建筑师事务所,以专注于展示建筑、通信和新技术的交叉点的作品而闻名,与我们分享了他们的正义之家项目。他们的建筑作为该地区人民的两层公民中心,是高加索山脉中具有浓厚文化传统的村庄。更多的图片和建筑师的简要描述在休息之后。

J. MAYER H. Architects, known for focusing on works that demonstrate the intersection of architecture, communication and new technology, shared with us their House of Justice project. Their building serves as a two storey civic centre for the people in the area, a village with a strong cultural heritage in the Caucasus Mountains. More images and architects’ brief description after the break.


Its concrete structure frames the spectacular landscape of the Caucasian Mountains. The building is part of an ensemble of new public buildings around the main central public plaza

Architects: J. Mayer H. Architects
Year : 2012
Photographs :Beka Pkhakadze, Jesko M. Johnsson-Zahn
Manufacturers : Penetron
Client : Ministry of Justice of Georgia
Floor Space : 350m2
Project Team : Juergen Mayer H., Jesko M. Johnsson-Zahn, Danny te Kloese, Hugo Reis
City : Mestia
Country : Georgia