K5 位于东京证券交易所旁,由一栋20世纪20年代的银行大楼改建而成,连接了传统的皇宫地区和时尚的东东京。日文中的 “Aimai “一词引导着K5 Tokyo的概念。它的意思是模糊、晦涩或模棱两可,在日语中常被用于积极、诗意的意义。(这个词表示消除边界的好处。)K5东京的功能有意地混合在一起。图书馆是酒吧,而咖啡店则是一个休息室,然后流向葡萄酒吧和餐厅。

K5, housed in a converted 1920s bank building, sits beside the Tokyo Stock Exchange and connects the traditional Imperial Palace area with hip Eastern Tokyo. The Japanese word ‘Aimai’ guides K5 Tokyo’s concept. It means vague, obscure or ambiguous, which in Japanese is often used in a positive, poetic sense. (The term denotes the benefits of erasing borders.) K5 Tokyo’s functions intentionally intermingle: The library is the bar, while the coffee shop doubles as a lounge, which flows into a wine bar and restaurant.

东京日本桥歌舞伎町街区相对缺乏绿色,因此K5东京的灵感来自于 “绿色绿洲”。众多的盆栽植物分布在室内,目的是为了时尚。酒店有一个园丁,但没有传统的花园。

The Tokyo Nihonbashi Kabutocho neighbourhood’s relative lack of greenery inspired the creation of a ‘green oasis’ in K5 Tokyo. A multitude of potted plants spread out, aimai fashion, throughout the interiors. The hotel has a gardener but no traditional garden.


The palette consists of traditional materials such as concrete, cedar wood and Japanese stucco. Complemented by a wide range of furniture and accessories, custom designed by the architects.

客房的特点是包含一个中央半透明的织物 “圆柱体 “上升到高天花板。它包围着一张独立的床,并配有集成的架子和书桌。其他的家具就像 “卫星 “一样被放置,而墙壁则保持自由。

The guest rooms are characterised by the inclusion of a central, translucent fabric ‘cylinder’ rising to the high ceiling. It envelops a freestanding bed with integrated shelf and desk. Other furnishings are placed like ‘satellites’ while the walls are kept free.

东京K5拥有20间宽敞的客房(大部分面积在40平方米左右,”阁楼 “套房面积为78平方米);Caveman餐厅提供著名的北欧和日本融合美食;布鲁克林啤酒馆;Ao鸡尾酒和茶吧,中医与混搭的理念在自然鸡尾酒中流露;Switch咖啡店的手冲咖啡;以及Yardworks植物专家提供的大量绿色植物。这里是城市的创意缩影,由那些不怕打破壁垒的人精心打造。欢迎有独立思想的人。

K5 Tokyo presents 20 generously-sized rooms (most around 40m2 and the ‘Loft’ suite at 78m2); celebrated Nordic and Japanese fusion cuisine at Caveman restaurant; the Brooklyn Brewery beer hall; Ao, a cocktail and tea bar with a Chinese-medicine-meets-mixology philosophy that flows forth in natural cocktails; hand-brewed coffee at Switch Coffee shop; and an abundance of greenery by Yardworks plant specialist. This is a creative microcosm of the city, crafted by those not afraid to break barriers. Independent minds welcome.

建筑师:Claesson Koivisto Rune
摄影作品:Yikin Hyo
Architects: Claesson Koivisto Rune
Year: 2020
Photographs: Yikin Hyo
Country: Japan